Chapter 487 Shameless

   "Aunt Ye pretended to meet by chance, and saw the child of the Song family in the village. The child was only five or six years old and was not sensible, so when Granny Ye asked, she asked."

   "Said that the bracelet was given by the elder sister."

"If this is not considered evidence, I have wronged her, but Song Lu's own sister, that girl named Song Qing, somehow knew that I was in Ye's house, rushed in and pushed me to the ground. She scolded me for bullying her sister, and what else did she say, my Chu family dared to ask for so much dowry even though it was clearly superior to Song Lu, saying that my Chu family was shameless."

  When Mrs. Zhang said this, her cheeks were livid with anger, her eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on her forehead were throbbing: "This marriage that adults are discussing, how can it be a girl's turn to speak!"

   "He even said that my Chu family is shameless. I think the Song family is just trying to get ahead, so they don't want any shame!"

   "I just slapped him!"

Chu Lin was taken aback by how angry Zhang was, and quickly stood up and reached out to grab her, and at the same time patted her on the back: "Don't worry, speak slowly first, you've made yourself mad , the Song family is happy."

   As expected of the person next to her pillow, she understands Zhang's temperament very well.

  Chu Lin's words stabilized Zhang's mood, and she said bitterly: "Yes, I can't be angry, how can I take advantage of that girl of the Song family!"

   "You hit Song Qing, and then what?" Chu Liu was also very angry, but the more angry she became, the more rational she became, and Zhang was clearly concerned and then confused.

  Chu Lin caressed Zhang's back, letting her calm down.

   His eyes were full of worry. He knew how much his wife valued this son-in-law, but now he was slapped in the face, and it might affect his daughter's reputation. He was afraid that how satisfied he was before, he would be so angry now.

Mrs. Zhang took a few breaths and said: "After beating that girl, I asked her to pass on a message. If there is anything wrong, just come to my Chu's house and tell me directly. Don't hide and try to take advantage of others' family. so noble."

   "Then Song Qing pointed at me, saying that her brother doesn't want to marry Qingxiang, and some young ladies like it, saying that our family is delaying Song Lu's future, so we should take the initiative to propose divorce."

   "I won't say those ugly words, anyway, that's probably what it means."

  Ms. Zhang said with a sneer: "I don't know if the Song family has such a face. I want to see if they dare to come to the door in person."

   "Song Lu also knows about this?" Chu Zhiwen frowned and asked with a sigh of shame.

  Chu Lin frowned: "Father, do you think Song Lu doesn't know about his family? Do you still have expectations for him?"

   "I'm just asking, after all, we don't know many details." Chu Zhiwen explained.

But obviously, Chu Liu's attitude is not acceptable to him, she glared at the old man, and said: "Whether Song Lu knows it or not, while getting together with Miss Song's family, he made an engagement with Qingxiang at the same time. This matter can’t be counted like this.”

   "After all, the Song family is sorry for us."

   "If this matter is true, then what the Song family did is a stupid thing." Chu Liu said calmly.

  Ye Muyu noticed Chu Liu's hesitant expression, and knew that she must have also thought that the Song family must have the confidence to dare to do this. As for what the confidence is, it has something to do with the Landlord Wang's family.

  Obviously, if it is not handled properly, it may really be the Chu family who will suffer.

  However, the Chu family has the upper hand now.

  (end of this chapter)

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