Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 489: Choice after weighing the pros and cons

  Chapter 489 The choice after weighing the pros and cons

   "Haruka, what are you doing?" Chu Lin was startled, and subconsciously stood up.

  Stretched out his hand to help her, Mrs. Zhang reacted faster than him, rushed over, hugged Chu Qingxiang, and the two mother and daughter sat on the ground and cried.

  Ms. Zhang cursed even more angrily: "The Song family is really not human. My good daughter has been harmed like this. I wanted to climb up to the Wang family before, so why bother to marry me to the Chu family!"

   "Now that I have ruined my daughter's reputation, I still want to take advantage of it."

"Father, mother, what should I do now?" The more Mrs. Zhang thought about it, the more she became more and more angry. The matter fell on her daughter, and the always strong Mrs. Zhang was also a little confused. He also worried about his daughter's reputation.

  When a person has any scruples, all behaviors will be restrained.

   "Boss, help the two of you up." Chu Liu rubbed his forehead and said softly.

  Chu Lin nodded hurriedly, stepped forward to support the two mother and daughter, and sat down on the chair next to her.

  Chu Zhiwen looked at his old wife. This incident caused him a great headache. It was obviously a happy event, but it turned into a scandal when it happened: "What do you think should be done about this?"

   "Look for Song Lu to come over and ask alone." Chu Liu said decisively.

   "Qingxiang, I know you like Song Lu. If you insist on marrying him, the Song family will treat you badly in the future. As your natal family, we can only help you in a limited way."

   "At most, it is only possible to stand up and help you when you have been greatly wronged."

   "It doesn't make sense for grandma or even your mother to talk to the Song family over and over again about trivial matters on weekdays."

"You have to be mentally prepared. This is your choice. Even if you suffer a loss after getting married, it is your choice today. I will give you one month to think about it. After the national mourning period is over, I will tell grandma about you." decision."

"Ms. Zhang, you are also a daughter-in-law, so you should know about the difficulty of being a wife and a mother. Tell Qingxiang well, don't worry, there is still a while." Chu Liu sighed weakly, She was in favor of Chu Qingxiang's marriage with Song Lu before, but now that this happened, she no longer agrees.

  Although the fame of a scholar can bring him honorary benefits, and he looks superior to others, but for a woman, if she only cares about her face, it will be difficult.

  She had noticed that Zhang's mother and daughter valued fame and reputation before, and she only hoped that there would be no accidents, and the matter would pass.

   Now that things have become like this, the trace of happiness in her heart has long since disappeared.

  Chu and Liu can't talk about regrets, only Zhong, the sense of fate that this kind of thing finally happened.

"Third daughter-in-law, take me back to my room to rest." Mrs. Chu Liu got up and stopped looking at Mrs. Zhang's mother and daughter. She had already expressed her attitude. If Qingxiang still insisted on choosing to marry Song Lu, she was a nurse Can you stop it again?

  Ye Muyu got up, walked to Chu Liushi, and held her hand.

  When she walked to the door, Mrs. Chu and Liu paused for a moment, and said quietly: "Qingxiang, what do you think of Grandma's life?"

   This is a clear statement.

  Ye Muyu understood what Chu Liu meant. In her life, she lived a comfortable life and raised a child who could read. She didn't take any shortcuts. She just chose the right person, so it went well. At least she didn't suffer much after getting married.

   No matter what Chu Heng's achievements will be in the future.

  In the first half of his life that has passed, Mrs. Chu and Liu were the most envied by women in the village, and that was enough.

  People, sometimes you have to learn to accept your fate.

  Happiness has never been earned, but is the result of a choice after weighing the pros and cons.

  (end of this chapter)

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