Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 632: inquire about news

  Chapter 632 Inquiring about news

   "Very satisfied, thank you Madam for your hospitality."

   "I heard that Ah Yu's cooking skills are very good. I don't know how it is different from the ones on this table?" Madam Xie asked curiously.

Ye Muyu thought for a while, and couldn't overwhelm others, naturally, the simpler the better: "Ma'am, the food I cook is just some home-cooked dishes, such as this fresh shrimp and asparagus dish on the table. Madam's cook is very good at cooking. The freshness of the shrimp and the crispness of the asparagus combine together to create a refreshing and delicious taste."

   "If it is placed in my concubine's home, if there is no fresh shrimp, mushrooms can be used instead, and a pot of thick soup made with bamboo shoots will be eaten together. In fact, it is not particular about it. Farm food is just a lively meal."

   Mrs. Xie heard: "That's right, after all, you can't come with people in the house for business."

   "I wonder if Ah Yu has any idea of ​​opening a restaurant?"

  Ye Muyu was slightly surprised, and didn't understand why Mrs. Xie was discussing this matter at the dinner table all of a sudden.

   "I'm the one who was abrupt, Ah Yu, don't mind. After eating in a while, does Ah Yu have time to talk to my old lady?"

"Madam is serious, I am very happy to be able to talk with Madam." Although I don't know why, seeing Madam Xie's eyes are clear, and she doesn't seem to be playing any tricks, Ye Muyu agreed, and naturally she would not refute the other party's face .

   Madam Xie nodded in satisfaction, and even brought food for Ye Muyu herself.

  Ye Muyu hurriedly thanked her, feeling the curious eyes from the two young ladies of the Xie family, she was a little ashamed, probably even her own family members were surprised that Mrs. Xie behaved like this.

   Fortunately, Mrs. Xie was only enthusiastic for a while, and then quietly accompanied everyone to eat.

  Ye Muyu ate slowly, and Chu Liu asked her in a low voice: "What's the matter with Mrs. Xie?"

   "Mother, I don't know either. We can only take a step and see. Anyway, we don't have anything that the other party can take advantage of. Besides, I think Mrs. Xie should really come to me for something."

   "That's right, Xie's family has a great career, we might as well dress well as other maids." Chu Liu felt relieved.

Ye Muyu explained in a low voice: "Mother, the maid of a rich family also represents dignity. If the maid is dressed in shabby clothes, people will gossip, so, the richer the family, the more expenses we have to earn. yes."

"You're right. I'll see if there's any land when I go back tomorrow. I'll buy more. There are also hillsides. I have to make use of them. In the past, they were only used as firewood mountains. I cut down some trees when I was building a house. Now that I think about it, there is no land. It's a waste." Chu and Liu's eyes were opened, and they were no longer limited to the three acres of land they saw before.

  Ye Muyu originally wanted to use Chai Shan, and when she heard her say that, she naturally nodded: "Mom, you are right, I also have the same idea. Let's talk slowly after we get back."

   "Okay, you can eat more, I heard that this shrimp is very nourishing, and this chicken is too tender, isn't it?" Mrs. Chu Liu sighed softly and asked Ye Muyu to eat more.

  Ms. Qian has already eaten a lot, because there are so many dishes, even if she only picks the dishes in front of her, she is still full.

  Compared to the quietness of the women's side, the men's side is much more lively.

  Ye Hao has been helping Shen Qin block the wine, and he doesn't speak, except to block the wine is to eat, and to avoid getting drunk.

   "Master Xie, how much do you know about the Wang family?" Shen Qin asked directly, so as not to spend time asking Xie's family.

   "The Wang family has recently opened shops in several nearby counties, both of which are two grocery stores, selling those good materials, silks and satins, porcelain, vases, etc. It seems that there is a new merchant ship."

  (end of this chapter)

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