Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 635: Tang Rou recommended herself?

  Chapter 635 Tang Rou recommends herself?

  She herself brought Ye Muyu into the inner room.

  A servant girl immediately brought tea in, poured it for the two of them separately, and then left.

   "What I told you just now, you must be in a hurry." Mrs. Xie went straight to the point.

Ye Muyu smiled embarrassedly, but at the same time said frankly: "I am a little anxious. In the final analysis, it must be a very important matter for Mr. Xianggong to participate in it. If it is done well, it must be a credit to elder brother. If it is not done well ..."

   There is no need to say more about the next words.

   Madam Xie smiled slightly: "I just like your honesty."

   "You don't know, Tang Rou once looked for me."

  Ye Muyu was a little surprised. To Tang Rou, her biggest impression was that she would do anything for her status, be beautiful and cruel, and have no bottom line in doing things. As long as it was beneficial to herself, she would do it.

  It's scary to keep such a person by my side, that's when she decisively asked Chu Liu and Mrs. Ye to force the Tang family to express their views.

   After all, who knows when the other party will find an opportunity, rely on Chu Heng, and destroy this intact family... She also has no preference for fighting with anyone.

  Facts have proved that she guessed right, and the other party is really not a good person.

   Besides, the death of the third young master of the Wang family has a lot to do with her.

  If a person says harm, he will be harmed. How could this person be so soft-hearted.

   "Why did she come to you?" Ye Muyu asked curiously. Could it be that Tang Rou felt that Chu Heng had nothing to do, so she turned her idea on Xie's family.

   Mrs. Xie took a sip from her teacup, and said calmly, "I don't know where she found out. I was looking for a wife for the third child in private. She had a few requests, and she recommended herself."

   "Self-recommendation...?" Ye Muyu didn't feel any surprise in her heart. She felt that this was something Tang Rou would do, which was perfectly normal.

  However, the other party always seems to be able to know some news in advance.

  Ye Muyu couldn't help guessing, where did she get so many connections, there are deeper guesses, she has no evidence for the time being, so it's hard to draw conclusions.

   "Yes, she came to recommend herself."

  Ye Muyu said: "Madam is not satisfied with her?"

   "That's right, I don't like this person, so naturally I won't keep her." Mrs. Xie didn't say why.

Ye Muyu: "Since Madam doesn't like her, I'll confess it. In fact, my husband-in-law once said something. Around the time before the Dragon Boat Festival, Tang Rou drugged her in the tea room of the third young master of Piaoxianglou. , causing the third young master to drink, and the husband was there at the time, nothing happened, but Tang Rou's actions were indeed too bold."

  No matter what era it is, a woman with such vicious means is disliked, especially if the other party is planning on her.

   Madam Xie's complexion changed, "Is there really such a thing?"

"It's my concubine who is talking too much." Ye Muyu actually couldn't guess whether Mrs. Xie knew about it. After all, Mrs. Xie had means and status. , let the Xie family guard against Tang Rou.

   In order to avoid being tricked by the other party one day, it will be a little troublesome.

   Mrs. Xie's mood quickly returned to normal: "How can you be talkative? If you don't tell me, I don't know when she will trick me in the future."

   "Actually, I have investigated Tang Rou's background before, so I rejected her proposal."

"But I can see that she doesn't seem to give up, but why she went to the Wang family and didn't want to be the concubine of the young master of the Wang family, I don't know." Madam Xie didn't have the time to take care of such a person. small role.

  (end of this chapter)

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