Chapter 644 Rewind

   "I say this in front of you today, I hope you can understand what I mean."

  Ms. Zhang's face turned pale, and she looked at her in panic: "Third siblings, no way, Haruka dare not..."

   "She didn't mean to..."

   "Sister-in-law, I'm speaking so bluntly now because of your face. You should know better than me, after all, she is your own daughter."

   "Go back, I accept your apology." The implication is that she doesn't accept Chu Qingxiang's, and she doesn't want to get along with this niece anymore.

  No one likes to get along with a person who even counts on his relatives.

   Mrs. Zhang couldn't say anything extra, so she could only murmur: "I'll teach her when I get back. She will marry in the future. Don't worry, third sibling."

  Ye Muyu is not very relieved, the marriage is still related to her natal family.

  In short, she needs to be on guard against this person, and just stop getting close to him.

   "Yes." Ye Muyu nodded.

   called Hu to see off the guests.

  Ms. Zhang left in a daze.

  She suffered a lot today, not only because of her mother's decisive attitude, but also because of the tough attitude of her third sibling, which made her caught in the middle, worried and at a loss.

  However, she was very clear that the mistake this time was really Haruka, but Haruka herself didn't even admit it!

   Once I got home.

  Ms. Zhang was so angry that she drank a glass of cold water.

  Chu Lin saw her and asked, "Did you go to see the third sibling?"

   "Well, I'm going to apologize."

   "I'll go there too." Chu Lin didn't say much, turned around and left. Before leaving, he carried a basket on his back and went out.

   Mrs. Zhang wanted to ask him what he was doing, but he didn't dare to ask. After thinking about it, he went to Chu Qingxiang's room and repeated what Ye Muyu said.

  Chu Lin went to Chu Xing's house first, got into a mule cart with him, went to another village, and bought seven or eight watermelons.

  This season is the time to eat watermelon. In the past, some people sold it in the county, but the quantity was scarce and the price was high. This year, many fruit growers have grown it, and the price has only come down.

  With Chuxing's contacts, it was only in the afternoon when I bought it.

   At noon, the two ate some pancakes.

  Arrived in the village, Chu Lin sent the watermelon to Chu Heng's house. After Ye Muyu came out, he said sorry to her in a low voice, and hugged the watermelon in.

  Ye Muyu actually believed in Chu Liu's character, and it must be what she said that made Chu Lin and Zhang have such a reaction.

   I just don’t know what Chu Liu said.

   From the looks of it, the two hit hard.

  Ye Muyu didn't refuse either, presumably Chu Lin and Zhang's family came from home, Chu and Liu knew about it a long time ago, and it could be regarded as an apology for letting them become parents.

  Although Chu Qingxiang's performance still disappointed her.

  However, since she no longer regards the other party as a relative, and said that she will not care about her this time, then let it go.

  Ye Muyu looked at the busy Chu Lin and thought to herself, I just hope there will be no next time.


  She pursed her lips.

   After Chu Lin brought all the watermelons in, she called them to drink tea.

  Chu Xing drank it happily: "Sister-in-law, it really is bitter gourd tea, hehe, don't mention it, it's quite delicious if you drink too much."

   "It's just a bit bitter, but it's actually good for your health." Ye Muyu explained with a smile.

  Chu Xing drank it in two or three sips: "It's delicious, it's ice cold."

  Chu Lin finished his drink in silence: "Thank you, third sibling, for your hospitality. If you have anything to do, just go to the old house and call me. I'll go back first. The rice will be harvested in a few days."

   "Well, then you go back earlier."

   Never mentioned the watermelon that was given away, as if, both of them agreed to turn this matter over.

  (end of this chapter)

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