Chapter 660 Fortunately

   But now that he is back, Ah Yu is not angry with him.

  Chu Heng just felt lucky that he came back so soon, but the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became. He wanted to explain, but he was afraid that his actions would make Ah Yu angry, so he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

  He was afraid when he thought about it, so he wanted to rush back desperately.

   It wasn't until he held her in his arms last night that he felt that his heart, which had been hanging all along, had a place to rest.

  Ye Muyu saw that he was going to cling to whatever he said, and couldn't drive him away, so he simply ignored him. ""

  Ye Muyu and Chu Heng entered the kitchen like conjoined twins, and Mrs. Hu had just brought breakfast to the main room.

  Seeing Ye Muyu filled with water, she hurriedly stepped forward to do it: "Ma'am, get up, breakfast is already served, go use it after you wash up, or it will be cold in a while."

   "Okay, Mrs. Hu, you can go to have breakfast quickly." Ye Muyu said with a light smile.

  The Hu family was also very happy, looked at Chu Heng, and asked casually: "Master, what do you need when you come in?"

   "It's nothing." Chu Heng rushed to help Ye Muyu carry the water basin.

   walked out quickly, and helped her take out all the toiletries.

  The water was a little hot, so Chu Heng wrung out the veil for her.

  Ye Muyu glanced at the courteous man, and couldn't help but smile: "I'll do it myself."

   Chu Heng who looks like this, I am afraid that outsiders have never seen him before. At first, he thought that Chu Heng was not easy to get along with, and he was a cold stone. Now, it seems that he is clearly a big furnace.

   "I'll wash it for you, I haven't done this kind of thing before." Chu Heng said seriously, learning to wipe Ye Muyu's face in a serious manner.

  Ye Muyu thought he was just talking.

  Who knew that Chu Heng's movements were very gentle, and his eyes were serious. He gently washed her face clean, and even applied the ointment on her face.

  Ye Muyu's heart was constantly rippling by his cherished action, and she couldn't help asking curiously: "Have you ever washed someone's face before?"

   "No." Chu Heng shook his head.

   "Then how can you move..." So proficient...

  Chu Heng said with a slight smile: "It's not difficult, but I think it's still unqualified. I'll practice again later."

   This means to help her wash her face in the future.

   "Madam, master..." Zhang Shu just came back from the fruit forest, and he didn't pay attention to what the two were doing, so he yelled.

  Ye Muyu's ears turned red, and she subconsciously took the handkerchief from his hand.

  Chu Heng felt a little regretful, and looked at Zhang Shu with a cool expression.

  Zhang Shu only felt a chill on his back, couldn't help tearing his clothes, and wondered in his heart, did he do something wrong, otherwise why did the master look at him so scary.

  Chu Heng asked: "What's the matter?"

   "It's the fruit forest. Zong Fu said that the master is back, and asked if he needs to come and report."

   "I'll go and have a look later." Chu Heng said lightly.

  Zhang Shu hurriedly nodded to show that he understood.

   Mrs. Hu ate a wave of dog food in the kitchen. Seeing that her man didn't understand anything, she stomped her feet anxiously.

  She was worried that her man, who was as naive as a pillar, would be rejected by the master.

   Seeing that he still didn't leave after asking, she hurried forward and pulled him away.

  Zhang Shu was still a little confused. After returning to his room, he asked his wife: "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

   "Didn't you see the master and his wife together? The two cultivated a relationship, what are you going to do?"

   "Huh? Master and Madam still need to develop a relationship?" Zhang Shu looked puzzled: "Master and Madam are already the best hosts I have ever seen."

   "What do you know, in short, be smarter in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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