Chapter 811 Looking for a doctor

  However, in order to avoid the source of the recipe, it has not yet been mass-produced. It is just for Lu Sangqi to study, and I don't know if it will be too late.

   But right now, she has no time to think about the hemostatic medicine.

  She calculated the time, and it turned out that more than an hour had passed.

   Looking at the darker blood, she felt a little uneasy.

   First sent the ginseng in, and then found Xiang Linger.

   "Ling'er, I need you to run errands for one thing."

   "Sister-in-law, just tell me what to do, and Ling'er will definitely do it." Xiang Ling'er clenched her fists and her eyes were firm.

  Ye Muyu breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of her persistent temperament.

   Hearing the words, he said: "That's right, I need to find a doctor who can stop the bleeding with needles immediately. I heard from Mrs. Du that the other two doctors in the county have not returned yet."

   "No matter what the situation is, as long as you find a doctor who meets the requirements, no matter who obstructs you or what method you use, you must bring him into the Du Mansion. You just need to explain the reason. If their situation is not urgent, you don't have to worry about it."

   "Sister-in-law, I understand."

  Ye Muyu asked Mr. Du for a few servants, and had already asked Mrs. Du for two strong women, and asked Xiang Linger to bring Zhang Shu, and then set off to find a doctor who could stop bleeding with acupuncture.

  At the same time, she called Master Du to invite other midwives.

  It's not that she doesn't trust the midwives already in the house, it's just that she wants to prepare more. After all, every midwife is good at different methods.

  After preparing these, Ye Muyu felt his heart tightening when he heard the crying sound from time to time in the room.

  She waited silently.

   I don’t know when, but the sky is slowly getting dark.

  There are lights in the room.

   Ye Muyu was afraid that he would not be able to wait for the hemostatic medicine, so he ordered the kitchen to cook all kinds of food that could stop the bleeding.

   "Ah!" Suddenly there was another scream, and there were more and more voices in the room.

  Ye Muyu had an ominous premonition, her face turned pale, and even Mrs. Du, who was sitting on the couch next to her, heard the sound and got up in a panic.

   Immediately afterwards, a servant girl ran out of the house, and tremblingly reported to Mrs. Du: "Madam...the young lady passed out, and the young master was stuck in the birth canal and couldn't come out, bleeding...bleeding..."

   "Jiaoer..." Mrs. Du was about to rush inside, but a woman immediately stopped her.

   Just when Ye Muyu was in a hurry, there was finally a sound outside the courtyard door. She hurried over and saw a group of midwives walking in.

  Ye Muyu hurriedly said: "The pregnant woman is inside. The situation is critical. You should clean your hands first. As long as you can give birth safely, you will be rewarded!"

  The eyes of the midwives were slightly bright, and they hurriedly followed the women into the delivery room.

  The situation inside became a little more stable, and Madam Du wept sadly.

  Ye Muyu called the servant to comfort her, she is waiting for the doctor, the bleeding must be stopped, otherwise it will be really powerless.


  While Ye Muyu watched a deeper basin of blood being brought out, she had already fallen into deep despair and self-doubt. Should she mention the Caesarean section to Mrs. Du?

  Even if the adults really can’t keep it in the end, at least the children can stay.

   It won't be possible for the three of them to disappear.

   Even, she couldn't help fantasizing that even if she had an operation, as long as she took care of her properly, she might not necessarily die.

  However, if this is done, what if an adult can give birth?

  She questioned herself from the bottom of her heart, she, no one can save her.

  (end of this chapter)

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