Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 815: Set up a bureau

  Chapter 815 Establishment

  The servants given by the master are very powerful, they all stopped them, otherwise Linger would not be able to invite Doctor Gao. "

   Ling'er frowned after finishing speaking: "Master, young master, sister-in-law, it's all because Ling'er is too stupid, she really waited outside the door, it took so long, is the young mistress okay?"

   "It's okay, Ling'er, you did a good job." Ye Muyu encouraged with a smile.

  Master Du's originally gloomy face, when he saw Linger's eyes begging for encouragement, he immediately changed into a gentle smile, nodded and said: "Yes, Linger did a good job this time."

   "Ling'er, go down and rest for a while." After saying that, Master Du sent someone to take her down.

  Ling'er glanced at Ye Muyu, Ye Muyu nodded slightly at her, and then Ling'er obediently followed the maid down to rest, she was really tired this time.

   Actually at home, she was beaten several times, but she didn't say anything, for fear that her sister-in-law would worry.

  As soon as Linger left, the atmosphere in the room of four became a little dull.

  Master Du was the first to hold back, and shouted angrily: "The Yu family bullies people too much."

   "Father, you still said that in this county, everyone will give you face. Aren't you slapping your face now?" Du Heng snorted.

  Master Du blushed, and glared at his sabotaging son, "This has never happened in the past."

   "So, you still can't judge people correctly. No matter what the Yu family wants to do, in short, they are playing dirty tricks at this critical moment. If something happens to sister-in-law, I will see how you explain to elder brother."

  Master Du almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

  Chu Heng smiled lightly and said, "Uncle Du, how do you think the Yu family will be cleaned up?"

  Originally, he didn't plan to touch the local gentry, as long as they could live in harmony, he didn't bother to do it.

   But obviously, I was too gentle, the other party didn't pay attention at all, and made Ah Yu cry, so I cleaned it up.

   "Brother Heng, since the Yu family stretched out their claws in such a way to get in the way, they should knock his claws off." Du Heng had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

Master Du didn't hesitate anymore, and said with a slight smile: "Ah Heng, you young people are still energetic, but my old man should also contribute to this matter. In fact, you may not know that what the Yu family cares most about is not the rouge shop. It's a merchant ship."

  Chu Heng heard the words, and he didn't have the slightest doubt. What he couldn't figure out in the previous life, he figured it out in this life.

   In the previous life, nothing happened to the Wang family, but it was the Shen Jiajun who did the accident.

   Except for the three desperadoes who ran into the Shen family army to join the army, and finally in a battle after the year, they poisoned the army's grain, causing the foreign thieves to enter the territory of Dachu, causing great casualties to the people.

   When this matter entered the court, Emperor Mingzong was furious. General Shen was withdrawn from the army and lost his life the day before returning to Beijing. If he really wanted to investigate the cause of death in his previous life, he would be reborn.

   At this time in the previous life, although he joined the army, he was a food and grass team and had no contact with the Shen family army. When something happened to the Shen family army, he chose to join another army for his future.

  From beginning to end, he never had much involvement with Shen Jiajun.

   Except Ye Hao.

  Thinking that Ye Hao was also in the Shen family's army in his previous life. Later, when the Shen family's army had an accident, he had nothing to do, and was favored by the princess and married him.

  Afterwards, Ye Hao gradually came to power. Three years later, he got an official position from the army and went to the capital, only to meet Ye Hao.

   Afterwards, Ye Hao reunited with the Ye family.

  But there was a princess in the previous life, so Ye Hao had a very bad relationship with Mrs. Ye's family, and even quarreled with Mrs. Ye when they met.

  But Mrs. Ye was stupid, and even in private, she was set up by the princess and lost a lot of money in lending. If he didn't find out in time, the whole family might be implicated.

  (end of this chapter)

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