Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 817: life is too fragile

  Chapter 817 Life is too fragile

  Ye Muyu nodded with deep understanding, her face was still a little pale at the moment, she was frightened.

   "Are you scared?" Seeing that Ye Muyu was silent, Madam Du looked up and saw her bloodless face, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull her to sit beside her.

Ye Muyu sat obediently, seeing Mrs. Du looking at her worriedly, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Ma'am, I was just afraid that something might happen to the young mistress, thinking that human life is so thin that if you don't pay attention to it, you will be fine." No, that's why I scared myself."

   "You child, you are too kind. You obviously don't have to agree to me just now. Seeing that my old lady is too busy, I'm afraid I don't care."

   "Ma'am, I'm being polite. Mr. Xiang and Yan Xu have a good relationship, so it's only right to help, and I'm fine. Ma'am, don't worry."

  Mrs. Du smiled more sincerely at her when she heard the words: "I knew that you and Ah Heng are good friends. I am very happy that Yan Xu can make Ah Heng a friend."

   "My husband is also very happy to meet Yan Xu."

   "You girl." After Madam Du finished speaking, she coughed lightly. It turned out that she was still unwell, but she carried it hard, hoping to wait for He Jiao's condition to be confirmed.

   "Ma'am, you go to rest first, I will help you guard here."

   "It's okay, it's just an old problem." Mrs. Du grabbed her hand and smiled kindly: "Don't worry, I'll just sit, I'm not tired, nothing will happen."

   Seeing her persistence, Ye Muyu couldn't force her anymore, so she just called the maid to come in, packed up the recliner, and let Madam Du lie down.

  The two children are sleeping soundly at the moment, and there is a nanny waiting for them.

  He Jiao's body finally stabilized.

   It's just that the time has passed for a long time, and he was finally rescued. Although the bleeding stopped, he still needs to take medicine all the time, and it may take two or three years to support him.

   This delay, the time is very late.

  The Du family wanted to entertain Ye Muyu and the others for dinner, but Chu Heng refused.

  In the end, they all rested in Du's guest courtyard, and the dinner was delivered to the house by servants.

  Chu Jin and Ziluo had Xiang Linger to take care of their two children, and Chu Heng took Ye Muyu into their room as soon as he entered the guest house.

   The food was brought in after a while.

  Ye Muyu didn't use much, it was because today's incident scared her a little.

  In her previous life, there was no one around her who might die because of childbirth.

  This is the first time I feel the insignificance of life.

   "Ah Yu, eat some more." Chu Heng frowned slightly when he saw that she had used up a little, and picked up food for her with chopsticks, and put it on her plate.

  Ye Muyu shook his head lightly, and said aggrievedly: "I can't eat anymore."

   "Hey, just eat the last three bites, you don't need it, I'm worried." The worry in Chu Heng's eyes almost overflowed.

  Ye Muyu was already soft-hearted. Seeing this, she had no choice but to open her mouth and eat three more mouthfuls.

  Seeing this, Chu Heng no longer insisted, but he thought in his heart that as long as Ah Yu is coaxed well, she will eat, and eating obediently will not damage her body.

   After eating and washing.

  Ye Muyu was lying on the bed wearing only a thin underwear, her body trembling slightly.

  Chu Heng frowned slightly, lay down and hugged her: "Ayu, what's wrong?"

   "I just feel a little cold." Ye Muyu said softly.

   "I'll hug you." Chu Heng said, picked her up, and sat in his arms.

  Ye Muyu instantly felt a fire coming towards her, warming her.

   "Is it still cold?" Chu Heng frowned and asked seriously.

  Ye Muyu gritted her teeth after a while: "En."

  (end of this chapter)

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