Chapter 824 House Repair

   Chu Heng, who was coaxed like a child, obviously froze, but in the end he let her go, and only reached out to stroke her hair, "Okay, but go out to eat first."

  Ye Muyu took a look at the sky, only to see that it was getting dark.

  But now it’s getting colder and the days are getting shorter and shorter, but I have slept for a long time, so it’s just right to draw a house structure diagram at night.

  Out of the house.

  Chu Heng was going to the kitchen to order dinner, when Chu Liu, who heard that the two had returned, came over and called Chu Heng to talk.

  As soon as Chu Heng left, Ye Muyu went to the kitchen to order dishes, and then went to the study to get paper, ink, brushes and inkstones.

   It happened that Han Zhuang came back from the outside with a bamboo basket in his hand.

   "Ma'am, this is the eel that the old man sent over just now. They said that it will be too cold in the future, and the eel will be nested in winter. I'm afraid it won't be found. This is the last crop. I sent it to the old lady to try."

   "Then it's time to eat eel stew tonight." Ye Muyu didn't expect to be able to add vegetables at night, and said with a smile.

  Han Zhuang nodded, and carried the eel into the kitchen to deal with it.

  Ye Muyu returned to the house and half opened the window, making the room brighter.

   Then lay out a full sheet of paper.

   Draw a floor plan of the entire house structure on it.

  Now, as Chu Heng, he can build a secondary courtyard.

   Even, it can be divided into front yard and back yard.

  When Xiaojin was a little older, he was sent to live in the front yard, and gradually got used to being independent.

  Compared to Xiaojiaohua in the room, Ye Muyu wants to train her son to be a big devil. Others have no ability to bully him. It is easier to restrain oneself than others.

  Thus, on the entire flat drawing paper, she first drew the entire yard as a binary.

  The guest room is in the middle, and the back is the inner courtyard, which is connected by two corridors. On the left is Ziluo’s room, and in the front is a yard for her.

  The sleeping room is divided into front hall and back room.

   There is a couch in the front hall, on which you can usually drink tea and make wine.

  The back is the sleeping room. Ye Muyu plans to make a wooden floor. At that time, whether it is the buds to sleep with, or in winter, it will be warmer.

   In addition, next to the inner room is the bathroom.

  The room on the right belongs to her and Chu Heng.

  She herself wants to plant flowers and plants in the front yard, and put a table by the way, drink tea on weekdays, and feel comfortable in the yard.

  After drawing this, she was busy drawing a swing in the yard in front of Ziluo again.

  The side rooms on both sides, Ye Muyu plans to make a cloakroom, or a utility room.

  After entering the courtyard at the front, Ye Muyu resolutely chose to make the courtyard extremely large, so that it would be much more convenient for holding banquets in the future.

   As soon as you enter the yard, apart from the main room directly opposite, the guest room, kitchen, study, and Xiaojin's room are beside it.

  These positions are unchanged.

  The ear rooms on both sides can be repaired with six rooms.

  All of them will be directly built into guest rooms. In the future, it will be more convenient for guests to live outside and be separated from the inner courtyard.

  Select two rooms from the six guest rooms as servant rooms.

  Each room is very large, and it is set up as an inner and outer room, which is convenient for storing your own luggage.

  Ye Muyu thought about it, and felt that there was something inappropriate, that is, the front yard was completely separated from the back yard, and she and Chu Heng lived in the back yard. If something happened in the front yard, she might not be able to take care of Xiaojin.

  She thought about it, and then opened a secret door in Xiao Jin's room leading directly to the backyard.

  After drawing the general layout, Ye Muyu put away the pen, and discussed the remaining details with the children and Chu Heng later.

  (end of this chapter)

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