Chapter 831 Quarrel

   After a set of theories, several people were amazed.

  After several days of training, everyone has more or less a little understanding of the goods sold in the shop.

   It's getting colder.

  Ye Muyu had already put on a thicker jacket. When it was raining, a drop of rain fell on the back of her hand, and it was icy cold.

  She got out of the carriage.

   Entered the grease shop that was almost decorated.

  Now that the houses in the village are being refurbished, Ye Muyu brought the children to live in the Erjin compound in the county.

   Today she came to the shop as usual to make sure there was nothing missing.

   "Ma'am." After entering the shop, Ji Chunhong and the others greeted her.

   Didn't see Wang Wei and Song Min, Ye Muyu didn't care at all, just asked casually: "Where are they?"

   "Madam...they'll be here soon." After Liu Lu said this, she lowered her head and didn't say anything else.

  Her reaction caught Ye Muyu's attention, she groaned, nodded, and walked towards the backyard.

   But Ji Chunhong and the others behind her reacted inexplicably, as if hesitating.

  As soon as they reached the gate of the backyard, they heard two voices arguing.

   "Song Min, can you not tell Madam, I just advanced a little money in advance to pay off the debt, if I don't pay back, I will die." This is Wang Wei's voice.

  Other people were quite concerned about the debt, but Ye Muyu didn't say anything, and the others didn't dare to say anything.

   Immediately afterwards, an angry voice sounded: "Wang Wei, it is wrong for you to embezzle the owner's property without permission. Do you think shopkeeper Tang doesn't know? He just keeps it secret. Let's see how bold you are."

   "I must tell Madam, otherwise, if you continue to embezzle it in the future, the paper will not be able to cover the fire. Madam will be angry, and all of us will either be betrayed again or directly beaten to death."

"Nonsense, madam has a good temper, she won't do this at all, so don't slander, I don't believe madam would be so cruel, besides, we learned those skills with great difficulty, if we are sold, this shop will open The city does not know how long it will be extended."

   "Do you really think Madam can't find other servants? Besides, without Madam and Master, I won't let you ruin my future." Song Min yelled angrily, as if he wanted to leave.

He was hugged by someone, and Wang Wei's crying sounded immediately: "I don't care, if you go, I will die, please help me, I will kneel down for you, there will be no next time, you Believe me."

"I don't…"

   "Boom." There was a sound, the flowerpot placed beside the house was broken.

  Ye Muyu touched his hand, sighed lightly into the air, and found that there was also a white mist in the air.

  A footstep sounded behind him, and then stopped again, as if hesitating slightly.

   It was Tang Dongfeng. He came back in a hurry, but he ran into an accident before he knew it. His face was a little ugly, but he was more worried about his wife's anger.

  He stood behind and waited for a while, and found that his wife didn't respond, and he felt even more guilty. He had the confidence to explain this clearly.

   But the lady didn't respond at all, which made him completely unpredictable, and he panicked.

   "Ma'am..." Tang Dongfeng whispered.

  Ye Muyu hummed, and walked forward with Han Zhuang at his side.

  Go to the warehouse.

  When Wang Wei and Song Min saw her, their expressions changed drastically.

  Song Min knelt down and opened his mouth: "Ma'am, the slave has something to do..."

  (end of this chapter)

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