Chapter 852 Breaking the Poor

   "Old Guo, you can't bring outsiders in." A man reminded anxiously.

  Old Guo shook his head, afraid that his new boss would be angry: "Old Nie, hurry up and kneel down to pay respects to the master, this is the new boss."

   "New... new owner..." The man named Lao Nie hurriedly knelt down.

  The other long-term workers beside them also fell to their knees in fright.

  Ye Muyu saw their fear of the boss.

   Soon, other long-term workers also got the news and hurried over.

   They knelt down and saluted them one after another.

  At a glance, there were a hundred or so people, all skinny, with dark and yellow faces full of deep wrinkles, rough hands and feet, old women, girls and children, the number was even.

   It turns out that the old Guotou said that the whole family sells together. These long-term workers are basically dragging the family.

   "Are you in charge of Luo Tian?" Chu Heng looked at a man who was dressed a little neatly. However, seeing that he was still dressed very thinly, it could be seen that life in Zhuangzi was not easy.

   "If you go back to the master, the youngest one is Luo Tian."

   "Let everyone go back to work first, and you come over to talk." Chu Heng ordered.

  Luo Tian nodded quickly: "Okay, master."

  He quickly called the others down to continue working. The old Guo Tou was originally the gatekeeper, and now he subconsciously walked back.

  Ye Muyu stopped him: "Old Guotou, wait."

   "Ma'am." Old Guotou hurried over obediently.

   "Take me to the village." Ye Muyu said.

  Chu Heng paused when he heard the words, "Ah Yu, why don't you ask Luo Tian?"

   "I want to see the situation in Zhuangzi first, you can take Luo Tian to ask first, and I will be back in a while." Ye Muyu explained in a soft voice.

   "Okay." Chu Heng thought, Luo Tian knew the specific situation of Zhuangzi best, and he had to ask clearly before he could rest assured.

   Called Han Zhuang to follow Ye Muyu again before leaving.

   "Take us to the place where you grow vegetables." Ye Muyu ordered with a clear goal.

  Old Guotou didn't dare to hesitate, even though he was trembling while walking in fear, he still led her forward.

  Grandma Ye and Ye Dejiang followed, looking around from time to time.

  Ziluo was also led by Granny Ye, she was worried that her niece would go alone.

   Soon, we reached a slope.

  There are stretches of low earth-walled houses next to it, not only small in size, but also high in height. Ye Muyu walked past, as if he could just get in. If Chu Heng was tall, he would have to bend down to get in.

   "Are you living in these houses?" Ye Muyu asked after hesitating.

  Different from the large courtyard that we passed by when we came here, these houses with earthen walls, it can be said, are not suitable for people to live in.

   "If you go back to Madam, the younger ones usually live in it."

  Ye Muyu heard this, frowned slightly, and walked over.

  Old Guotou frowned frightened: "Ma'am, what are you dissatisfied with, please correct it immediately, these rooms are very dirty, please don't go there."

   "Let me see, don't talk too much." Ye Muyu has long realized that if he speaks softly, the other party will only be more afraid, but if he speaks in a commanding tone, he will be very calm.

Walking to the earth wall, Ye Muyu realized that her estimation just now was correct, she was about the same height as her, and there was only a wooden canopy bed inside, and there were only some rags and straw on it. Winter came, these things, Not cold enough at all.

   "You have lived here all these years, how did you spend the winter?" Grandma Ye was a little surprised after reading it, and couldn't help asking.

  (end of this chapter)

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