Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 855: It's a pity that such a good field

  Chapter 855 It's a pity that such a good field

   "What's the problem, tell me now."

  Ye Muyu sat down behind the desk, and Chu Heng stepped forward to help her grind.

Luo Tian was surprised by the harmonious relationship between the new master and his wife, but he was even more glad that the long-term workers in the village had a way to survive. He didn't dare to say more, so he thought about it seriously, and asked the question: "As for the lady, are the young ones still alive? With experience in building houses, I’m afraid I need a carpenter to help me.”

   "Also, if the tea trees are to be transported to Luzhou, I'm afraid not too many will survive in the end."

   "I will find a way to solve it." Ye Muyu's first thought was to find someone from the caravan that transported the tree to take charge of the matter, and it was not difficult.

   "Besides, madam, it's too cold to grow any food. I'm afraid there won't be a harvest. Next year's specific work needs to be ordered by madam."

   "Isn't there a shed? Don't tear down the shed yet. You try to grow some cabbage and radishes. I will arrange other things for you later, and the food will also be delivered." Ye Muyu made all the arrangements.

  Luo Tian hurriedly went back to tell the news.

   For a while, Luzhuang was very lively.

  Ye Muyu sat in the room and wrote the proposal.

   Now it's starting to get cold, and after writing for a while, her hands become unbearably cold.

"Ayu..." Chu Heng came in from the house, holding a hand warmer in his hand, and walked quickly to the desk, "Warm your hands first, and don't worry about writing. This house has been unoccupied for a long time, and it is very cold. Or go back to your mother's house."

   "It's okay, I'll just take a look, isn't it because I'm afraid that Luo Tian will not be rigorous in doing things in Zhuangzi? By the way, write down all the preparations that need to be made. I think Luo Tian is still literate. He can make some plans with it."

   "He's not rigorous in his work, just replace it with someone else." After Chu Heng took off the brush from her hand, he stuffed the hand warmer into her hand.

  Ye Muyu instantly felt warmth from his palm, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Ah Heng, I'm not cold, don't worry."

   "Thank you for sending me the hand warmer, I am very happy."

  Chu Heng also smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, "Thank you, I am your husband-in-law, so I should care about you."

   "It's getting dark now, let's go back to Ye's house first." Chu Heng glanced at the sky, and habitually reached out to put her in his arms and asked.

  Ye Muyu thought about it, but didn't refuse, and put away the paper, ink, brush and inkstone.

  Out of the house, I saw Mrs. Ye and his wife waiting at the door, and Ziluo having a good time.

"Girl, you don't know that the land here is full of fat. If you use it to grow rice and wheat, the yield will not be low." Ye Pozi clicked her tongue twice, "It's really a waste to use it to grow tea trees. People's tea On Duchang Mountain, in this kind of paddy field, it’s no wonder the yield is low.”

   "I still think of a way to transport the soil here just to feed those tea trees. As a result, the weather is bad, and the cost of this tea is still high. It's a waste."

"It's a pity that such a good field." Seeing Ye Muyu, Mrs. Ye said about it: "Girl, don't be as stupid as the Wang family. You don't use the good land to grow food, but use it to grow tea trees. Isn't that nonsense? .”

   "Mother, I will listen to you, plant rice and wheat." Ye Muyu nodded hurriedly.

  Grandma Ye felt relieved, and went home all the way. When passing by her vegetable field, she asked Ye Dejiang to pick vegetables.

  Han Zhuang was ordered by Ye Muyu to go back and find someone to come. The caravan also needs to talk to Steward Luo in the county to arrange the team.

  (end of this chapter)

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