Chapter 859 Attitude

  In an instant, the Song family, who were a little moved by Chu Qingxiang's words, frowned again after hearing Song Qing's words.

  Chu Qingxiang squeezed the hand in front of her body, and suddenly grabbed Song Lu's sleeve: "Sir, this is an accident. It originally belonged to the Huo family."

   "Why do you help me decide the marriage, or this way of ruining people's reputation."

   "My child is also the grandson of the Song family. Just because you don't like it, is he not entitled to live?" Chu Qingxiang wiped her tears sadly.

  Song Qing's eyes were wide open: "Don't blame me, if you say you are pregnant, who in the family will let you do those jobs."

   "That's enough, stop arguing." Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Mr. Song felt ashamed, but Chu Heng and his wife were still sitting beside him. He just felt ashamed of his old face.

  Chu Qingxiang fell silent when she heard the words, but shed tears silently at Song Lu.

  Song Qing was still not convinced, and when she wanted to speak, Huang covered her mouth and whispered to persuade her not to be angry.

  Master Song ignored the two of them, and looked directly at Chu Heng, "Chu Xiaolian, I'm letting you see a joke."

   "It doesn't matter, Chu Qingxiang is also my Chu family." The word "count" is very subtle, Mr. Song's eyelids twitched slightly, and he looked at him subconsciously, wanting to confirm the meaning of his words.

  Chu Qingxiang subconsciously clenched her fists.

   "Uncle Song thinks how to deal with it at this time?" Chu Heng asked lightly, he was very calm from the beginning to the end, without any trace of anger.

   But the more this happened, the more uncertain Mr. Song was. He couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking, so he couldn't see through it.

   "This... Chu Xiaolian thinks how to deal with it?" Mr. Song coughed lightly, knocked on the cigarette rod, and asked Chu Heng for his opinion.

  Although he also wants to act arbitrarily, it is obviously impossible. Now that the Chu family is becoming more and more powerful, they cannot afford to offend the Song family.

  If it weren't for Chu Hengfeng's good comments all the time, he wouldn't have the guts to ask Chu Heng to come and listen in on today's matter.

   "If Uncle Song doesn't mind, I'll tell you my opinion." Chu Heng glanced at the changes in the expressions of everyone in the room before speaking lightly.

   Seeing that he really had an opinion, Mr. Song didn't dare to refuse, so he quickly nodded: "Chu Xiaolian just say it."

   "Both of them seem to have a point, but it is an undeniable fact that both of them were injured."

   "Although Chu Qingxiang married into your Song family, she shouldn't be bullied like this." After Chu Heng said this, the expressions of the other members of the Song family changed slightly, and they subconsciously bowed their heads, not daring to meet his gaze.

   Bullying Chu Qingxiang was because she didn't take the Chu family seriously, or she felt that he wouldn't protect this niece.

   No matter which one, it is not what he wants to see.

  Chu Qingxiang is not important, but the Chu family must be born with a deterrent force. This is the influence that a truly successful family has, and he is working hard for it.

  As for the second one, guessing his thoughts is the most taboo of the superiors, and he doesn't like to be guessed by outsiders.

   After all, it was just an outsider.

   "Chu Xiaolian, this... is because I didn't take good care of the children in the family, which caused the trouble to be so serious."

   Mrs. Song came out to explain in a hurry, trying to minimize the matter as much as possible. In fact, the Song family knew that the two were not getting along, but she was somewhat disappointed with Chu Qingxiang's family background.

   I didn't think that the two of them could make any big troubles, so they didn't care about it all the time. Unexpectedly, the two people who were not in their eyes had such a big trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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