Chapter 861 Back cabbage

  Chu Qingxiang seems to be protected by Song Lu on the bright side. If her wish is fulfilled, Song Qing does not need to marry Luo Dalin, but at the cost of a lifetime of happiness.

  Both lose.

   Coming out of Song's house, Ye Muyu was pulled by the man beside him, and she didn't feel cold, and went back to Ye's house side by side.

  She couldn't help sighing softly: "This man's heart is calculated and calculated, but he can't get anything in the end. Why bother?"

   "Maybe they are too ugly and unconfident. They think that the other party has plans for their own good. Naturally, they can only rely on calculations for what they want." Ye Muyu couldn't help laughing at Chu Heng's explanation.

   Laughing and laughing, she feels that no matter whether it is Chu Qingxiang or Song Qing, they can get everything, but they have come to this point.

  Push away things that are within your reach.

   "Song Lu was afraid that he wouldn't trust them completely anymore." Ye Muyu muttered.

  Seeing her mentioning other men, Chu Heng's eyes darkened, and he stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of her nose: "Ah Yu, you still have thoughts about other people, why don't you care about me more."

   "I don't care about you anymore, I take care of you every day, don't push yourself." Ye Muyu smiled and snorted.

  Chu Heng squeezed her hand even tighter: "Didn't I want you to care more about me? Just listen to other people's affairs."

   "Enen, I understand, I don't want other people's affairs anymore." Ye Muyu knew that her husband needed to be coaxed, but she was not stingy, and coaxed very gently.

"Let's help mother pick vegetables. Mother is very good at making pickles. This time we will take another jar back. With your name, mother will definitely not be stingy." Ye Muyu pulled him and strode towards Ye's house. Walk next to the vegetable field.

  Chu Heng strode to catch up.

  Grandma Ye had just picked up a large basket of cabbage, when she saw the two of them approaching, she said, "This year's frost has been good, and the cabbage is delicious."

   "Mom, let me help you."

   "What are you doing here? It's so cold, you're not afraid of freezing your hands." Mrs. Ye drove her away in disgust, not letting her touch: "Just your body, if I touch it, I'm afraid you will catch a cold at night."

  Ye Muyu pouted: "Where is it so fragile?"

   "Ayu, your mother-in-law is right, you are not in good health, you don't need to do these rough jobs, I will do it."

   As he said, he straightened his black robe, bent down, picked cabbage leaves in the field, and the outermost layer of withered yellow leaves, put them in the dustpan next to him, and fed them to the chickens.

  The cabbage leaves are put into the basket, and taken home to pickle the pickles and make sauerkraut.

  Grandma Ye called Ye Muyu over, pouted: "Look, how capable your son-in-law is."

   "Students are different. They can endure hardships and can still study. Your mother and I have good eyesight. I saw him at that time and said he was a good man."

  Ye Muyu just remembered that it was Granny Ye who came to marry Chu Heng on her own initiative.

   "Mother, I'll go home to light the fire, and you will have a stove when you come back." Ye Muyu first praised Mrs. Ye, thinking that she had to do something serious herself, so she couldn't let Chu Heng do it all.

  Caring is also mutual.

   "Okay, you can go back and call your father to come and carry cabbage."

  Now that the family is getting better, Mrs. Ye has become more confident, and has begun to ask Ye Dejiang.

   "Mom, I see." Ye Muyu was also happy that his parents were in good terms, smiled slightly, told Chu Heng, and went back to the house.

   After calling Ye Dejiang, he entered the kitchen.

   is picking up the fire folder and lighting the fire.

  (end of this chapter)

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