Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 863: Lu Chuan is back

  Chapter 863 Lu Chuan is back

  By the time I got back to the county, it was already December.

   "Master, madam..." Housekeeper Luo waited at the door and welcomed the two of them in.

  It started to snow today, and the two of them felt better when they returned to the house.

  In the house, a layer of snow soon fell in the yard.

  Chu Heng took Ye Muyu, and quickly walked into the main courtyard in the backyard, and ordered: "Housekeeper Luo, go get some stoves, warm up the room first, and then ask someone to cook some **** soup."

   "By the way, where is Xiao Jin?"

   "Go back to the master, the old lady and the old master came last time, and accompanied the young master in the yard in the front yard. The servant called for someone to come over."

   "Forget it, let them do their own thing first, and eat pot together at night."

   "Ask the kitchen to boil hot water again."

  As soon as the order was given, the whole Chu Mansion became busy.

  Your Majesty, the people also knew that it was Mrs. Madam who came back, so they did not dare to delay, and followed the orders of the housekeeper.

  Ziluo was sent back to the back yard, with Mrs. Hu taking care of her, Ye Muyu was also relieved.

   Entered the room, and after a while, a maid came in with a brazier.

  Ye Muyu actually kept warming her hands with a hand warmer, but she didn't feel too cold, and Chu Heng took off the cloak on her body.

   "Ah Yu, take a rest first, if it wasn't for rushing all the way back, you wouldn't be in such a hurry."

   "Isn't it because I'm afraid that the snow will delay me halfway, I'm not tired." Ye Muyu stretched out his hand and thumped his leg.

  Chu Heng saw it, and immediately called a woman in to beat her legs.

  This kind of treatment made Ye Muyu feel a little unaccustomed to it, but when she saw the mother-in-law who subconsciously flinched and showed a frightened expression, she softened her heart and tried her best to slowly adapt to this kind of life.

  The shoulders were pinched, and Ye Muyu felt much more comfortable.

  Chu Heng changed his clothes, went into the study again, and walked over with a few ledgers in his arms after a while.

   "This is the account book in the house. I will read it when I have time. If there is anything I don't understand, just ask Butler Luo."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu glanced at it, knowing that it contained the ledgers for the entire house, so she put it away, and called the maid to bring a small wooden box over. After putting the ledgers in, she would look at them when she had time.

   After a while, a servant came and said that the hot water was ready.

  Chu Heng signaled Ye Muyu to wash up first.

  Ye Muyu thought for a while without refusing, got up and went to the bathroom.

  Here, Housekeeper Luo rushed over and waited at the door first, waiting for Chu Heng inside to order someone to call him in before he hurriedly came in.

   "Master, it is Lu Chuan who is back."

   "Oh?" Chu Heng didn't receive any more letters from Lu Chuan, so he was a little curious about the situation of the Luo family in Luoyun County.

  He hummed, and after a while, Lu Chuan came in with a cold body, and after saluting respectfully, he was called up and given a seat.

   "Master, this subordinate has completed the mission and did not disappoint you."

   "This subordinate has inquired a lot of news in Luoyun County in the past two months. The medicine was given by Luo Qingxue."

"She is indeed related to the second young master of the Luo family. It seems that she is almost able to marry in, but the mother of the second young master of the Luo family does not want to marry her, a daughter-in-law with a low status and background, so she wants to catch her. Madam's weakness forces you to help her, Master."

   There was a clicking sound, and the original teacup in Chu Heng's hand was crushed directly.

  Lu Chuan shuddered, feeling that the brazier in the house could not stop the cold air from coming.

   Sure enough, when he raised his head slightly, he saw the master's face was cold.

  (end of this chapter)

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