Chapter 866 Family

   It’s already dark now, and the snow has stopped falling for a long time. In the winter in the south of the Yangtze River, the snowing time will not be long, and the frequency will not even be too much.

   "Slaves don't dare." Sumei became even more apprehensive.

  Ye Muyu: "..."

  She felt that this method would not work, so she gently told a story about the harmonious coexistence between a master and a servant.

  Slowly, Sumei finally became less nervous, and naturally spoke more briskly with Ye Muyu.

   "Ma'am, the first winter snow fell today, and the weather has turned cold. I heard from the old lady that it is not cold when it snows, but it is cold when it melts. How about I put two braziers in the house at night?"

   "Okay, when the time comes, open the window to avoid being too smoky."

   "By the way, have you prepared quilt batting in the room?" Ye Muyu asked while walking along the corridor to the dining room outside.

   "Madam, the servants have some winter quilts." Sumei didn't expect Madam to care about whether she was cold, and the smile on her face became more open.

  Ye Muyu nodded: "That's good. If it's too cold, report to Housekeeper Shang Luo. Don't catch the cold. Instead of spending money to buy medicine, it's better to wear thicker clothes, which will make your body feel better."

This is the first time Sumei heard this kind of remarks. In fact, everyone understands in their hearts, but as a servant, how dare she say these words, she naturally tries not to get sick or delay her work. She just feels that the new wife's character Very good, let the uneasiness in her heart settle down slowly.

  Ye Muyu soon arrived at the dining room.

   "Mother." Seeing her appearing at the door, Chu Jin rushed over like a small cannon: "Mother, you are finally back. The school will be closed tomorrow. Can I play in the snow after getting up in the morning?"

   "Wear thicker clothes, so you can play without the cold." Ye Muyu patted his head, and led him inside: "Did you obediently listen to grandma these days?"

   "Listen, mother, I'm not a bad boy, I'm very good."

   "My master often praises me in school." Chu Jin pouted arrogantly, tugging at the hem of her clothes, feeling extremely tired.

  Ye Muyu smiled and asked, "Oh? What did Madam praise you for?"

   "The master said that I have unique insights and I have done well in my homework... The master also asked me to take the lead in reading."

  As soon as Ye Muyu heard it, she knew that her son was treated well in the school.

  He also went to Class C of the academy.

  Class C has three classes.

   There is a children's class inside, and children aged six to nine are all attending classes in it.

  The dean is optimistic about Chu Heng, so he naturally takes care of Xiao Jin.

  However, only if the child did not disappoint the dean can he lead the study. The dean's temper is not too biased.

   "Awesome." Ye Muyu knew it well, and praised her son without hesitation.

  Chu Jin walked more briskly.

   "Ayu, you are here, come in quickly, it's cold outside." Chu Liushi and Chu Zhiwen were already sitting at the dinner table.

   They are all from their own family, so there are not so many rules.

"Mother, I have troubled you during this time." Ye Muyurou walked over with a smile, and sat down next to her: "I brought some gifts back for you, and they have already been sent to your respective houses. I will finish eating later. Go back and have a look."

   "After going out for such a busy trip, you even prepared gifts for us. You are not afraid of trouble, you are always thinking about us wherever you go."

  Chu Jin also climbed onto the stool, and said, "Grandma, Mother must miss us, we are a family."

  Tongyan Tongyu made everyone laugh.

  (end of this chapter)

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