Chapter 880 Lo-mei

  Sumei and Sulan stepped forward anxiously: "Madam, are the servants too useless?"

   "Huh?" Ye Muyu continued to eat a mouthful of vermicelli, took a mouthful of soup with a spoon, and drank it slowly, seeing the expressions of the two who wanted to cry but did not dare to cry.

  Sumei frowned slightly, a little worried.

   "What's wrong with you guys?" Ye Muyu asked softly.

  Perhaps her attitude was too gentle, Sumei knelt down directly: "Madam, I can't help you even if this servant can't read or write."

  Su Lan also nodded: "The servant wants to help Madam do more things, if the servant can't read, Madam won't be able to use the servant?"

   "That's it." Ye Muyu finally understood what they meant, "Well, I'll send you to Ziluo's side, and learn from her for an hour every day, and you will be able to recognize common characters in about half a year."

  Sumei and Sulan knelt down quickly, expressing that they would study hard.

   "Okay, then get up quickly and grind first. Zhang Cong will come in a while, and you can start."

  Sumei and Su Lan will work together.

  One person helps to grind.

  One person helped lay the paper.

  After Ye Muyu finished eating the vermicelli, Sumei hurriedly stepped forward to clean up the dishes, and the table was wiped clean.

   Zhang Cong came over after a while.

   After kneeling down and saluting, he stood up amidst Ye Muyu's shout.

   "You sit over, I said, just write it down."

  Zhang Cong walked over quickly, sat down, and wrote the gift money list neatly.

  Su Lan was studying ink, so she looked down from time to time to see how the characters were written.

  Sumei didn't have a chance, but after Zhang Cong finished writing, she put a sheet aside and waited for the ink to dry before showing it to Ye Muyu.

   It will be much faster if someone helps,

   It took an hour and a half, and the first version of the rough gift money list was almost written.

  Ye Muyu saw that it was getting late, so she made them all stop, and after collecting the gift slips, she called other servants to come in to clean up.

  She got up, put on her cloak, and walked out of the house, seeing that it was getting dark.

  Seeing her coming out, Mrs. Hu came out of the kitchen with a lunch box in her hand, "Ma'am, the lo mei is ready, and I will take you there."

   "Ah Heng came back?" Ye Muyu didn't delay, got up and went out, without a maid, only Hu Shi followed.

Hu smiled and said: "Ma'am, the master came back halfway, saw you busy in the house, so he didn't come in, let the servants take care of you, and then went out again, saying yes, when you finish your work, just go directly to the old house. "

   "I see."

   When the two entered the village, they saw many children playing around. Some were holding bamboo poles to ring as bamboo cannons, and some children were holding bamboo cannons to light them.

   It was very lively for a while.

  The little girl wears a red headdress, while the little boy wears a red cloth strip, which is very festive.

   "Madam, everyone in the village will get better this year." Hu sighed sincerely, "Madam, don't you know that the chickens and ducks raised on Chaishan usually need forage."

   "The children in the village can now find fodder, sell it, and earn some money every month. It's much better than before."

   "Also, sauerkraut has started to be made in the village now. Although the price is lower, we don't have to worry about not being able to sell it."

   With financial resources, life will be easier.

   "Very good." Ye Muyu originally wanted to work hard to make the life of all the people better, so that his own business would also get better and better.

  This is a matter of mutual benefit.

   Soon arrived at the old house.

  (end of this chapter)

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