Chapter 887 Fruit Wine

  Ye Muyu also went out, she planned to go to the old house immediately, even if she was talking with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, it was better than accompanying the wolf behind her.

   But obviously, the man has no intention of letting her go.

   "Ah Yu, where are you going?" Chu Heng called her in a faint voice.

  Ye Muyu looked back in shock, and saw Chu Heng's eyes were dark and erosive.

  She was a little flustered for a moment, and she didn't dare to look directly at him: "Ah Heng, I just went to the old house to take a look, and by the way, ask if there is anything mother can do for help."

  Chu Heng told Hu Shi: "Send a servant to help."

  Hu quickly nodded.

   Seeing that the person had already been sent there, Ye Muyu felt Chu Heng's determination more and more. When he was still looking for some reason, Chu Heng had already called his servants, brought some fruit wine in, and waved to her again.

   "I don't drink." Ye Muyu covered her mouth and said.

   "I'll drink, Ah Yu, come and drink with me." There was nothing wrong with Chu Heng's voice, Ye Muyu took a tentative look at him, and saw him sitting behind the table like a gentleman.

  She walked over slowly, and before she got close to the table, she was pulled into his arms by Chu Heng's big hands, and she sat on his lap, struggling in a panic.

   "Ah Heng, let me down."

   "Ma'am..." Sumei and the others were slightly startled, but they didn't dare to go forward.

  Chu Heng looked at the two of them, frowned slightly, and ordered in a cold voice: "Go down."

  The two maids quickly retreated and closed the door.

  Chu Heng hugged Ye Muyu, poured two glasses of fruit wine, picked up a glass, and fed it to her: "Ayu, try it, what does it taste like."

   "I don't drink." Ye Muyu blushed and refused, looking at him cautiously, always feeling that there was a hole in it: "I really don't drink."

  She also confidently promised.

  Chu Heng couldn't help laughing when he saw her small appearance, "It's not that I won't let you drink, but I won't let you drink in front of outsiders."

   "You have a small drinking capacity, and when you get drunk in front of outsiders, no one will protect you. In front of me, you can drink whatever you want." Chu Heng coaxed.

  Ye Muyu tentatively asked: "Really?"

  She remembered what Chu Heng Chu Heng said, that after drinking, she would settle accounts with herself. She was afraid that the other party did it on purpose, so she had to persevere and not be tricked into telling the truth by him.

   Of course she likes to drink fruit wine, otherwise she wouldn't make so much.

   It's just that Chu Heng objected to her drinking, and Ye Muyu didn't want to know what punishment he was talking about.

   "Well, come and taste." Chu Heng fed her.

  Ye Muyu looked at the fruity wine, and before she broke her power, she pinched her nose and shook her head: "I won't drink it."

  Chu Heng let out a chuckle in his throat: "Since you don't want to drink, Ayu, I'll drink it myself."

   After speaking, he drank slowly, not forgetting to taste.

   "It tastes like peaches. It's very good. Ayu, you should like it. I see that among the fruit wines you make, the most flavorful ones are peaches and grapes."

  Ye Muyu looked at him drinking, feeling a little greedy, but if he said hold back, he held back.

  After drinking for a while, Chu Heng became a little drunk, and he drank up the whole pot of fruit wine, and Chu Heng leaned lazily on the chair.

  Ye Muyu reached out and waved in front of him: "Ah Heng? Are you drunk?"

   "Um, Ah Yu..." Chu Heng only whispered twice.

  Ye Muyu stretched out her hand and patted his face, making sure that she was a little drunk and was about to get up, but Chu Heng's arm around her waist was like an iron wrist, and she couldn't push it away at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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