Chapter 890 Stupid

   "From then on, I'll wear almost nothing." She also understood whether her son was being tricked by others, or whether he was not stopped because he was stingy, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

   Wang asked with red eyes: "Mother, what about the wood?"

   "Don't you be angry with the second child and that woman..." Chu Liu coughed lightly, and couldn't say anything more.

  Wang shook her head: "Don't be angry, every time Chu Cai gets drunk, he sleeps like a dead pig, how could there be anything, outsiders still understand me?"

  Chu Cai smiled happily immediately: "Mother, look, let me just say that I didn't lie."

   "That woman must be trying to cheat me of money. How could I give it to me? I'm not willing to spend five copper coins on buns." Chu Cai said confidently.

   Wang also nodded.

"Mother, it's mainly wood now. I have to ask Mr. Xu to get back the money for the wood. It's too much to harm us honest people. What kind of temper is Chu Cai? He doesn't have the temper to eat flower wine." Wang rushed forward typical.

  Chu Cai also worried: "Actually, I haven't been able to find Master Xu for the past two days."

   "What? Can't find anyone?" Wang almost fainted.

   "Okay, with just the IQ of the two of you, you don't know why you were cheated of all your property."

   "Third brother, tell me, where is he?"

  Chu Heng: "In the county government prison."

   "How did people go to prison?"

  Chu Heng glanced at his second brother: "Didn't I tell you to sign a contract with the other party last time? If you signed it without paying money, you violated the law. Naturally, you can call the county magistrate to arrest him."

   "Third brother, did you send someone to arrest him?" Wang's eyes lit up, "Third brother is smart enough to catch him in time."

"It was your third brother who helped you investigate Mr. Xu from the very beginning. He knew that he was unreliable, so he could be caught in time. Otherwise, your things will be cheated away, and you may not even know." Mrs. Chu Liu Now he also understood, pointing to the heads of the second bedroom and the couple to blame.

"Mom, if you have time, go to the county government office and ask. It's the Chinese New Year. This case is relatively big, and the county will drag it on for a while. You can go after you're done. I'll go back first." Chu Heng Get up, turn around and leave.

   When he finally walked out of the old house, his steps were brisk.

  The two children followed and soon arrived home.

   Early the next morning.

  Chu Heng took Ye Muyu back to her natal home.

  Both Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Wang went back to their natal homes.

  Following the next few days, we will pay New Year greetings to each other and give New Year gifts. The New Year gifts prepared before will be used.

   On the fourth and fifth day of the Lunar New Year, we begin to greet the God of Wealth.

  Since everything is ready, there is no trouble.

  Early in the morning of the second day, Ye Muyu got up and made dumplings with Hu.

  The fifth day of the Lunar New Year is commonly known as the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. It is necessary to make dumplings with vegetarian fillings.

   "Mom, what kind of dumplings do you have today?" Early in the morning, Chu Jin and Chu Ziluo ran into the kitchen wearing new clothes.

  Now there is no shortage of money in the family, and the red and festive clothes made are very auspicious.

   "Egg vermicelli stuffing, sauerkraut stuffing, tofu stuffing, mushroom stuffing." Ye Muyu tried his best to increase the taste to make it more appetizing.

  Each kind of stuffing is thin-skinned and full of soup.

   "Mom, I'll make dumplings too, and I can make gold ingots!" Chu Jin ran to wash his hands, then learned to wipe them with a clean handkerchief next to him, and then started making gold ingot dumplings.

  (end of this chapter)

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