Chapter 896 Death

   "I don't have time to do it." He has a confident attitude.

  Ye Muyu laughed angrily at his appearance, and her voice softened: "Okay, okay, then give me some, and I'll take it home for the elders to use."

   "If you have that cheaper ointment, make me a hundred box."

"I have a prescription for chilblain here. Look, I don't know if it's useful." She handed him a worn-out piece of paper. It did contain some medicinal ingredients for chilblain ointment, but there was only half of the prescription left. , and others, she really doesn't know.

  Lu Sangqi came to his senses, stretched out his hand to take it, and looked at it for a while: "Where did you get this prescription? It's so old that the words on it can't be read clearly."

   "Then can you make it yourself?" Ye Muyu said helplessly: "I just read it from some old books, and there are more."

  Looking at her question, Lu Sangqi straightened his chest proudly: "Of course it can be matched, but I have to study your half of the prescription carefully."

   "You take this." He said, stuffing a ceramic bottle into Ye Muyu's hand.

   "Didn't you say there is no medicine?" Ye Muyu looked at the chilblain ointment in his hand in surprise.

  Lu Sangqi seemed to have been stepped on by the tail, and hurriedly took back his exposed feet, "It's just one box, there are no more, do you want it if you like it?"

  Ye Muyu saw that his toes were slightly swollen. No wonder this man had been sitting on the mat without even wearing socks.

   "Okay, okay, I'll take it, by the way, you have to hurry up, Ah Heng also needs to bring some chilblain medicine before he leaves." Ye Muyu urged.

  Lu Sangqi listened, somewhat appreciative, snorted: "Understood, I dare not offend your man."

  Ye Muyu already has a little understanding of Lu Sangqi's temperament, but his awkward temperament is actually heartless.

  After she finished speaking, she left the yard and returned to the house.

  At dinner at night, she didn't forget to give Chu Zhiwen the ointment.

  Chu Zhiwen put it away preciously, "Ah Yu is still careful, I won't be afraid of itchy ears in the future."

  Ms. Chu and Liu gave him a disgusted look: "You don't go to the doctor to buy medicine yourself when you have chilblain, and you delay until now to bother Ah Yu. You're so kind."

   "You old woman, I won't tell you anymore." Chu Zhiwen was still happy, and went to eat.

  After dinner, Chu Liu said: "Ayu, I will go back to the village tomorrow."

   "Mother, ask the Venerable Master to go with you."

   "Success, I know this." Chu Liu told her not to worry about herself.

  Early the next morning, Chu Liu and Chu Zhiwen went back to the village.

  Chu Heng got up early to practice swords, and Ye Muyu also got up early, watching him practice from the side.

Just as she was talking to Chu Heng, Tang Dongfeng came into the mansion. Seeing Chu Heng in the yard, he hurriedly bowed to salute. After getting his nod, he straightened up, stood beside Ye Muyu, and reported the news to her: " Ma'am, there is great news!"

"I found out that years ago, Yu's family sent a secret formula to the Zhao Mansion when they were in Fucheng. After hearing that Zhao Tongpan's wife used it, he was overjoyed. Zhao Tongpan heard that the imperial concubine in Beijing had passed her birthday Let people hurry up and offer it."

"Zhao Tongpan is a foreign official. If he wants to deliver things to the palace, he naturally has to go through the Beijing officials, and the one who delivers it is His Majesty's favored minister, the ancestral family of the second prince Qi Wang, the Qi family, Qi Ge's current status, in Beijing, no one would dare to offend."

  (end of this chapter)

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