Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 903: Who is this kid?

  Chapter 903 Who is this kid?

   It was just in time, except for the rest at night, there was basically no delay.

  Ten days later.

   A group of people traveled around and appeared in Luoping County in front of Luoping Pass.

  Maybe it is close to the pass, so there are not many people, and they are more casually dressed.

  After Han Zhuang paid the entry fee at the gate of the city, he first called someone to rent a house.

   It is definitely not convenient for a group of people to live in an inn. On the contrary, it is the kind of house that residents in the county rent out, which is quieter and suitable for wives to live in.

   Soon, someone came back and rented a small courtyard with a backyard miscellaneous room for five taels a month.

  Han Zhuang talked to Ye Muyu in the carriage.

   "Go and rectify first."

  Grandma Ye is a little motion sick, and Ye Zhao is not feeling well either.

  Ye Dejiang, on the other hand, tried his best to fall asleep in the car. Apart from being a little embarrassed, he was fine.

   Wait for the carriage team to arrive at the rented yard.

  Ye Muyu just got off the carriage when he heard neighing.

  I saw, on the street, a carriage ran quickly past, followed by two men on horseback.

  The carriage ran quickly, setting off a gust of wind.

  The coachman of the Chu family hurriedly comforted his frightened horse, and the horse stomped its feet before slowing down.

  Grandma Ye got off the carriage and just took a breath of fresh air when she choked on smoke and sneezed: "Whose family is this, so fast, aren't you afraid of being bumped into?"

  Ye Muyu noticed that the people around were not surprised, they only swept the dust from the booth after the panic, and they were obviously used to it.

   "It's probably a big family in the county. Mother, let's go in and rectify it first. I'll call someone to pass the news to the Shen family army at Luopingguan to confirm where the eldest brother is now."

  Ye Muyu helped Mrs. Ye into the house.

  Following Ye Zhao also took Ye Dejiang out of the carriage.

  Lu Sangqi got down from the carriage, and said worriedly: "All the things in this carriage will be sent to my house. They are all precious medicinal materials, so don't touch them."

  The people nodded their heads and sent the luggage in orderly.

After that, he led the empty carriage to the backyard. At this time, there was a commotion all around, and the carriage stopped for a while. When the farce disappeared, and when he walked in again, the coachman felt that the carriage was obviously heavier, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to open it. The carriage looked, but no one was seen.

   After shaking his head, he yelled at the carriage and entered the backyard through the back door.

  Han Zhuang came to check the condition of the carriage, and suddenly noticed something strange. He glanced at the wet mud on the ground, and then stared at the shoes of the servants in the mansion. There were no such small footprints at all.

  He walked around the carriage twice calmly, and saw a figure flash by. He stepped forward quickly and grabbed the person.

   "Let me go..." A seven or eight-year-old boy struggled in Han Zhuang's hands.

   "Where did this person come from?" The driver and the others were taken aback, seeing that it was indeed a stranger who had sneaked into the backyard, and everyone turned pale immediately.

  Han Zhuang scolded: "Hurry up and check what's wrong."

  The coachmen hurriedly nodded to look for them.

   Searched around to make sure that only one child got in, and there were no other losses.

  When Han Zhuang came in with the boy, Ye Muyu just called Huo An, who was good at delivering news, to ask about the situation of Ye Hao in the Shen family army.

   "Who is this child?" Ye Muyu looked at Han Zhuang in puzzlement.

  The boy stopped struggling, and seemed to think that he had been caught anyway, and he had already looked away.

   "I don't know where the child came from. He hid under the carriage and slipped into our yard."

  (end of this chapter)

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