Chapter 905 Three Days

   Fortunately, the few people were dressed thickly before they came, so they didn't catch cold.

   The two soldiers guarding the gate were a little surprised to see that they had a good attitude.

   Soon, the soldier who delivered the letter came back and brought a few people in.

   "Everyone, follow me." Dashitou said to Ye Muyu and the others.

  Ye Muyu hummed, and supported each other with Ye Pozi, passed dozens of tents without looking sideways, and the soldier in front stopped.

   "Lieutenant Ye is here." The big stone lifted the tent, revealing rows of sick soldiers inside.

  Grandma Ye walked in with her eyes red, covering her mouth, and immediately saw Ye Hao lying on the simple bed, bloodless and barely breathing.

   "Hao'er..." Granny Ye stumbled over, seeing his condition clearly, she choked up again, only to see that the clothes on Ye Hao's chest were stained with blood, and his face was so pale that there was no blood.

  The hands on both sides of him are a little dark and purple, which looks abnormal at first glance.

  Seeing this situation, Lu Sangqi hurried forward to give Ye Hao a pulse.

  He felt his pulse with his hand, and his brows furrowed instantly, which was very ugly.

  Ye Muyu's heart skipped a beat, she kept silent and waited for the result, not daring to bother him to see a doctor.

  Han Chunhua saw her mother-in-law and Ye Muyu, her eyes became even redder, she walked over, and softly called out: "Mother, sister, my husband... the military doctor said that he couldn't bear it any longer."

  Ye Muyu also saw it in his eyes, it was obvious that the poison was deep, if he couldn't detoxify, his life might be lost.

   "Hao'er will be fine!" Ye Pozi's expression has never been so firm as today: "He was able to come back from the dead six years ago, and it will be the same today!"

   "Yes, sister-in-law, elder brother will be fine, I have already called someone to deliver the medicine." Ye Muyu thought silently, as long as it goes well, the medicine will be delivered in three days at the latest.

  However, I am afraid that the road will not go well.

  Ye Muyu wouldn't say this, and didn't want to say it.

  After Lu Sangqi felt Ye Hao's pulse, he looked at Ye Muyu and hesitated to speak.

   "You tell me." Ye Muyu thought, instead of hiding it, it's better to find a way to find medicine.

   "It can only last for three days at most. If there is no medicine after three days, even if it is delivered, I will die. I tried my best." Lu Sangqi was not used to the sad look on Ye Muyu's face.

   Among the women he knew, she was the most honest and thoughtful woman to him, and he also hoped that this friend could always maintain such a temperament.

   "Okay, I see, the medicine will be brought." Ye Muyu clenched his fists, thinking of various ways to get the medicine back.

  Grandma Ye didn't cry when she heard that. She knew there was still hope, so she quickly grabbed Ye Muyu's arm and asked, "Girl, do you have medicine? Where is it?"

   "Mother, I don't have the medicine. I sent my servants to Fucheng to get the medicine. However, I don't know the progress, so I can only prepare it with two hands."

   "Find someone to pick him up, and try to find a way to ask if there is anyone near Luoping County who has medicinal materials at home."

   "Yes, you are right." After Granny Ye finished speaking, she was about to follow her to ask about this matter.

  Ye Muyu stopped her: "Mother, you are here to take care of elder brother, I will take younger brother to do this, don't worry, I will definitely bring the medicine."

   "Okay, I'll take care of your elder brother." Granny Ye repeated the sentence several times. Ye Muyu knew that she was flustered, so she simply found something for her to do, and asked Ye Dejiang to accompany her.

  Lu Sangqi offered to stay. Although Ye Hao could persist for another three days, he still needed to give acupuncture.

  Ye Muyu turned around, took Ye Zhao and turned to leave.

  (end of this chapter)

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