Chapter 910 Li Qian

  Although the servants did not know why Madam gave such an order, they followed the principle of listening to Madam, and the servants stepped forward, avoided carefully, and carried him out.

  Li Qian couldn't bear it anymore, opened his eyes, and found out that his prank failed, all because of the... very young woman in front of her who smiled very softly.

  He was quite unconvinced and struggled to get down.

  The servants almost couldn't hold him, but thinking of the master's order and the fate of those servants who didn't follow the master's order, they became stronger.

  Compared to the servants of other families, they are already very comfortable in the Chu family, and they must not be sold out!

   It's just to protect Madam, no problem!

   "You... let me go." Li Qian felt that he was about to be suffocated to death.

  Ye Muyu raised his head, motioning for the servants to let him go.

  Li Qian stood up straight, took a few deep breaths, felt ashamed, hurriedly stood up straight, patted his clothes, raised his head, and asked, "How do you know what I did was a prank?"

"My concubine is more careful, and I also know that the young master doesn't really want to play tricks on others, it's just that no one is playing with you." Ye Muyu finished speaking patiently, without waiting for him to answer, and said: "The young master has been missing for so long. I will send you back to the mansion, rest well, how about coming back tomorrow."

   "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow and see if you can spot my prank."

  Ye Muyu nodded: "Okay, let's go, I will take you back."

  Li Qian walked beside, and asked rather disgustedly: "Why are you sending me back? I can go back by myself."

   "If the concubine does not send the young master back, Lord Hou will be angry when he hears the news. At that time, he can find any reason to beat the concubine, and naturally tomorrow's agreement will be abandoned."

"You women are really troublesome." Li Qian agreed to cooperate after saying the disgusting words, and stopped making trouble. He took Ye Muyu, walked through two streets, entered a quiet street, and finally stood at the gate of the most magnificent mansion. stop.

  As soon as Ye Muyu looked up, he saw two majestic stone lions in front of the gate of the mansion. The plaque on the main entrance was very majestic with sharp characters and righteousness.

   Full of style, it is by no means comparable to a small family.

  Li Qian walked in front and slapped the door directly.

  It took a long time for someone to open the door. The middle-aged man asked loudly, "Who is it? Not everyone can enter the door of the Hou Mansion."

  When Li Qian heard this, he put his hips on his hips and said angrily, "It's me, can I enter this gate?"

  Although Li Qian is not very old, he is only six or seven years old, but he is very used to putting on airs. Obviously, he has done this thing countless times.

  The middle-aged man guarding the door heard the voice of his young master, and immediately pulled him to cry: "Master, you are finally back. The master almost searched the county town to find you."

   "My father isn't used to me going out?" Li Qian said impatiently.

  The middle-aged man choked, how can one get used to it...

  He complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word, and he bowed and begged for mercy: "Young master, the slaves don't dare to criticize Lord Hou. It's fine if you come back, and the slave will tell him right now."

"Okay, but I brought a friend back." Li Qian waved his hand, with the air of a young master, pointing to Ye Muyu and others behind him, regardless of the reaction of the concierge, said: "My sister is at home ?"

"Here I am."

   "That's just right, call her to my yard to talk, if you don't come, don't blame me for going to her yard at night." Li Qian smiled meaningfully when he said this.

  (end of this chapter)

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