Chapter 916 and other news

  Ye Muyu instantly didn't know whether to say that the elder brother was unlucky or lucky.

   "What is the princess's purpose? Do you want General Shen to change his mind towards you, or do you just want to make him angry?" Ye Muyu had a terrible headache.

  Li Ruyi was a little confused for a while: "I know, he will definitely not change his mind."

   "But I'm not reconciled."

   "I have a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not." Ye Muyu was honest and didn't dare to say too much, so she had to ask some key words from time to time.

   "Tell me." Li Ruyi seemed to be able to speak out her heart out of the rare, and seemed to treat Ye Muyu as a dead person, so she didn't have any scruples.

  Ye Muyu: "If there is a man who likes the princess, but the princess doesn't like him, if the other party has given everything for you but suffered a serious injury, would you care?"

   "Of course not." Li Ruyi took it for granted, "How can ordinary people like this princess."

   "Then if the other party is noble, is he also the son of the Hou family?"

   "The princess doesn't like him. He does so much, why should I care? Besides, the status of the princess is not bad."

  Ye Muyu didn't dare to say the following, she was afraid that what she said would irritate Li Ruyi if she said it too bluntly, it wouldn't be worth it if the whip came.

   For a long time, the room was quiet.

   "What exactly do you want to say?" Li Ruyi suddenly asked very irritablely.

  Ye Muyu lowered her head obediently: "I dare not say it myself."

   "Just say what you want."

   "Little General Shen should be thinking the same as you." After she said this, she subconsciously moved away from the bathtub, and she had already given up at the moment.

  Persuading Li Ruyi to figure it out, it is better to ride a horse to get the medicinal materials in the county. Although it will be exhausting, but there is hope to get the medicine.

   "You're right." Li Ruyi smiled sharply: "It's too bad I can't figure it out."

  Ye Muyu blinked, what does the princess mean by this.

   "So, what I want is not to get married at all, but to make the two of them unhappy."

   "I'm married, maybe I won't have a chance to make the two of you unhappy."

   "I can give you the medicine, but I have a condition to mention to Shen Qin."

  Ye Muyu didn't dare to answer these words, and General Shen didn't know her well, so she wasn't sure if the other party would agree, because it didn't match her purpose of coming to see the princess.

  But there is no other way now, so I can only try it first.

   She nodded in agreement.

   And the sky is over, Li Ruyi will go to the barracks tomorrow.

  She had no choice but to leave the Hou Mansion first.

  After returning to the rented house, she lay down on the soft couch, feeling extremely discouraged.

   "Sister, how are you doing?" Ye Zhao came in and asked.

  Ye Muyu sat up straight and waved at him: "The Princess said she agreed, but she has to make a condition with General Shen. As for the condition, I don't know."

   "Let's look at what the princess wants, I'm afraid it's going to embarrass little general Shen. Little general Shen may not agree to the princess's rude request for the sake of elder brother."

   Regarding the love-hate relationship between the two, Ye Muyu really doesn't want to talk too much, this kind of thing, whoever listens to it, finds it troublesome, and no outsider can solve it.

   "Sister, you look tired." Ye Zhao was a little worried.

   "It's okay, I'm just nervous after entering the Hou Mansion, go down and rest first, we'll wait for news from Han Zhuang."

  Ye Zhao nodded, he knew that it was useless for him to be anxious now, he could only wait.

  After taking care of some casually at night, Ye Muyu washed up and lay down.

  (end of this chapter)

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