Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 931: Zhang Miao's reaction

  Chapter 931 Zhang Miao's reaction

  But she couldn't do anything, because Li Ruyi was too high-ranking to be offended by ordinary people.

   "You..." Shen Qin looked at her coldly: "Just be willful."

   "You just say whether you drink or not." Li Ruyi looked at him with a half-smile: "You can leave if you don't drink."

  Shen Qin didn't answer, he just walked to the table and sat down, followed by the lieutenants behind him.

  Li Ruyi called Liu Xiang to pour wine for Shen Qin, and Shen Qin would not refuse anyone who came.

   Drink a sip of wine from time to time, eat a little food, and don't say much, just answer Li Ruyi with um, oh.

  Li Ruyi was actually in a good mood.

  However, soon, Ye Muyu discovered that those lieutenants were helping to block the wine both openly and secretly.

  She felt terrible.

   Sure enough, Li Ruyi, who had had some wine, got even worse. He pointed at Shen Qin and sneered, "Sure enough, he is not a man, and he actually called his subordinates to block the wine. Very good, Liu Xiang, order another pot of wine."

   "Feed it to our little general, I want to watch him drink it personally."

   "Princess, don't go too far." The lieutenant next to him couldn't help it, and shouted angrily.

  There is an iron law in the army. Drinking is not allowed, even if there is a reason, but if you return to the army and the old general finds out, the young general will definitely be punished.

   No wonder several lieutenants are in a hurry.

  Li Ruyi looked at several people coldly: "This princess is going too far, what can you do?"

   "Turn around and leave now if you have the ability!"

  Ye Muyu knew that Li Ruyi was using herself to threaten Shen Qin again.

   Sure enough, Shen Qin raised his head to prevent the lieutenant general from speaking with a sullen face, took the jug brought by Liu Xiang, and began to drink.

  Drink it cup by cup, and soon, Shen Qin was drunk.

  Ye Muyu quietly yelled for the restaurant kitchen to make wine soup.

   Taking advantage of the confusion, he handed it to the more stable-looking lieutenant beside Shen Qin.

  At the same time, she directly called the shopkeeper to bring hangover soup for the princess to drink.

   "Princess, drink some hangover soup. Drinking too much alcohol will make you look ugly. If you want to drink it, how about we drink it after we go back?" Ye Muyu persuaded from the side.

  Liu Xiang originally thought that Ye Muyu was meddling, but after hearing this, she was also a little nervous. If the princess really got drunk and made trouble, Master Hou would definitely not turn a blind eye to it.

   also hurriedly persuaded in a low voice: "Princess, we still have to watch the little general make a fool of himself."

  Although the voice was relatively low, all the people present were practicing martial arts in the barracks, so they could hear it clearly. Immediately, many lieutenants glared at Liu Xiang.

  Li Ruyi smiled: "Yes, I still want to see Shen Qin make a fool of himself, so hey."

   Liu Xiang was busy serving, so she didn't care about the expressions of those lieutenants, she didn't care at all.

  Ye Muyu noticed that most of the lieutenants beside Shen Qin were angry, but there was only one person with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

   This made her feel a little weird.

  The other party seemed very happy that the Princess tortured Shen Qin.

  Besides, this person was exactly the soldier who she saw a month ago, pinching Li Ruyi's neck.

  Because of what Li Ruyi lied and said at the time, and the fact that the deputy general named Zhang Miao always gave her a bad feeling, Ye Muyu has never dared to pay more attention to this matter.

   Now noticing that Zhang Miao was really in a good mood, she vaguely confirmed one thing.

   "Princess, the little general is already drunk, can you resign?" The rude lieutenant named Song Yan stood up and asked hoarsely.

  Li Ruyi blinked: "Go back."

  (end of this chapter)

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