Chapter 933 Invitation

   Half an hour later.

  Ye Muyu saw Li Ruyi leading about 30 nursing homes in the backyard.

   "Princess, who is this?" Liu Xiang was a little puzzled.

   "Starting today, I will take them to the military camp."

   Said, pointing to Ye Muyu: "You, also go with this princess."

   "Yes, princess." Ye Muyu nodded in agreement, and did not offend her.

   Li Ruyi was obviously in a good mood, and ordered the nursing home to go down.

  She called someone to take a bath, and after washing, she called Ye Muyu into the room.

  When Ye Muyu entered, she was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, smearing her face with ointment.

   "Princess." Ye Muyu saluted.

"come here."

  Ye Muyu walked over, and Li Ruyi looked in the mirror, seeing that the acne on her face had almost healed, she was in a good mood: "Look, is my face much better?"

   "Congratulations, princess, it's effective." After using it for a month, the effect of the medicine gradually came out.

  Li Ruyi was in a good mood, and asked after waiting for the medicine, "Is this ointment still available?"

   "Not for the time being, it needs to be remade." Ye Muyu didn't go out with too many acne creams, only one set, and later the princess asked her to ride around, so she didn't have time to do it.

   "However, the concubine ordered the servants to do it, and I don't know how the progress is."

   She really didn't do it herself, but the servants did.

   "Then you go back today and help me make more acne medicine." Li Ruyi ordered.

  Ye Muyu responded and planned to leave.

  Li Ruyi stopped her again, "This reward is for you."

  Looking at the dagger in his hand, Ye Muyu breathed lightly, and asked inexplicably: "Princess, why did you give me the dagger."

   "The barracks are messy, just for protection."

  Li Ru noticed the surprised expression on her face, and frowned slightly, as if she didn't like her reaction, waved her hand and said: "You don't want to go down soon."

  Ye Muyu saluted and said: "Thank you for the reward, Princess, I will make the acne-removing ointment as soon as possible."

  Li Ruyi hummed and let her leave.

  Just as Ye Muyu walked out of the room, Liu Xiang walked out right behind.

  Seeing her, she pouted her lips, and then said awkwardly: "The princess rarely rewards people. Giving you the dagger means that you are one of your own."

   "Although you were forced to stay with the princess, you must face the princess before you leave, you know?" Liu Xiang urged.

  Ye Muyu nodded: "I understand."

   "Well, do you have other wipes for your face? Is there any suitable for me?" Liu Xiang asked with some expectation.

   Seeing Ye Muyu look over, she quickly added: "I'll buy it for money."

   After all, she didn't dare to treat Ye Muyu as a servant.

  Ye Muyu is naturally happy to do business: "Okay, but I can give you an extra copy, thank you for taking care of me in the Hou Mansion."

  Liu Xiang was a little uncomfortable, coughed lightly: "I didn't take care of you, it's because the princess didn't let us deliberately make things difficult for you."

   "It seems that the princess doesn't really want to embarrass me, but just finds a reason for himself." Ye Muyu suddenly realized.

  Liu Xiang snorted softly: "Of course, the princess has no grievances or enmities with you, so why make things difficult for you."

   "Well, your ointment, I'll go get it with you." Liu Xiang said.

  Ye Muyu didn't refuse, just in time, she still wanted to learn about Li Ruyi from Liu Xiang.

  The two returned to their house in Luoping County.

  Ye Muyu asked Liu Xiang to serve tea, and she took out two servings of ointment from the house.

  (end of this chapter)

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