Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 935: change your mind

  Chapter 935 Change your mindset

"In that case, the princess saved his life, and if he survived later, he entered the barracks. To be honest, the little general promoted him, so who do you think he should repay his favor to?" Ye Muyu was a little hard to understand. asked.

  Liu Xiang hesitated, "This...should I repay everyone's favor?"

   "I think so too, then tell me, what does Vice General Zhang Miao mean? Is he really on the princess' side?"

  Liu Xiangxiang snorted and said: "Of course not, the princess can't let him get promoted and get rich."

   "No, I have to tell the princess about this." Liu Xiang stood up, turned around and walked out.

  Ye Muyu had someone send the ointment and honey over.

   Watching Liu Xiang leave.

  Ye Muyu called Han Zhuang over.

   "Ma'am." Han Zhuang saluted Ye Muyu quickly when he saw Ye Muyu.

   "Are the people from the county back?" Ye Muyu hurriedly asked.

  Han Zhuang: "Madam, not yet, I guess it will take a few days."

   "When the person comes back, if you have a letter from the master, please give it to me as soon as possible." Ye Muyu felt a little guilty, and after speaking, she hurriedly urged: "Don't leak the news here, do you understand?"

   "Ma'am, I understand." Han Zhuang was a little entangled, a little worried about his wife's safety, but he couldn't stop listening. He only knew that if the master knew that he and others were hiding it, he might be angry.

   Thinking of the anger he would endure in the future, Han Zhuang shuddered.

  But after thinking about it, it is a matter of the future, so I can only take it one step at a time.

   "Sumei, go and help me bring in the materials." Ye Muyu instructed Sumei.

   Make acne creams indoors throughout the day.

   Made a full ten servings, and it must be enough for Li Ruyi to get rid of the pimples on her face.

   By the time we finished, it was almost dark.

  Ye Muyu packed the anti-acne ointment in a box and gave it to Han Zhuang: "Go and give it to the princess. It is an anti-acne ointment."

   "Yes, ma'am." Han Zhuang left holding the acne ointment.

  Sumei hurriedly brought tea in: "Madam, dinner will be ready soon, do you want to use it now?"

   "Where's Ye Zhao?"

   "Uncle Ye just came back and is changing clothes."

   "Call him over to have dinner together." Ye Muyu asked someone to serve food, and the table was filled with their favorite food. After a while, Ye Zhao came in and changed into clean clothes.

   "Sister, why are you at home today? The princess didn't make things difficult for you, did she?" Ye Zhao walked in quickly, with a worried expression on his face, looked at her body, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that there were no injuries.

  Seeing his expression, Ye Muyu didn't know what he was thinking, "Sit down, I'm fine, that is, I was injured while riding a horse before, but learning to ride a horse is like this, if you want to really learn, how can you not get hurt."

   When you change something forced into voluntary, you will feel much better. Ye Muyu really wants to learn how to ride a horse. This is also a skill. As for injuries, they are all secondary. Whoever learns something will not suffer.

  The important thing is that the result is gratifying.

  Sister Ye Zhaoye was really not angry, but rather happy, and couldn't help muttering: "Sister, you are so stupid."

   "That's not what you said. If your hand hurts making ceramics, you don't want to learn anymore?" Ye Muyu said while ordering food.

  Ye Zhao shook his head: "Of course not. I like making ceramics. If I can make the best ceramics, I would be willing to get hurt."

"Right, you see, I think the same as you. I can go straight on horseback when I go on the road in the future, and I don't have to worry about you dislike my weak body and hinder the journey." Ye Muyu said this, a little embarrassed, although riding for a long time It will be tiring, but the sense of freedom of riding a horse is not what you can feel in a carriage.

  (end of this chapter)

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