Chapter 937 Escorted back

   Not long after, Li Ruyi came out with Liu Xiang.

  Liu Xiang waved to her, Ye Muyu walked over quickly, and saluted Li Ruyi first.

  Li Ruyi waved his hand: "Okay, get up."

   "I received the ointment you gave me last night, thank you." Li Ruyi said awkwardly.

Ye Muyu knew her awkward temper and was used to being strong, so she suddenly apologized to others. She was afraid that the number of times would be very few, so she would naturally not hold it up, and shook her head lightly: "If the princess likes it, I will do it for you when I am free." .”

   "Didn't you say that if I use up the rest, it will be completely healed?" Li Ruyi rolled her eyes: "I don't want to use this ointment anymore."

   "It's the concubine who said something wrong, don't be angry, princess."

  Li Ruyi glanced at her: "If I didn't know your temperament, I'm afraid I really thought you did it on purpose. Okay, let's go. Today we will go to the horse race on the **** of Liangshan."

   Soon, the whole team left the county seat.

   There are dozens of guards from the Hou Mansion, and a group of people are very conspicuous.

  Although he did not enter the barracks, he was spotted by the sentry whistle in the barracks.

   Immediately reported back to Shen Qin.

  In Shen Qin's barracks.

  Song Yan walked in, with an angry look on his face: "Little General, the princess went to Liangshanpo with twenty or thirty guards, what should I do?"

  Shen Qin was lying on the bed in the tent, his pants at the buttocks were stained with blood.

   His lips were pale, and he was sent back yesterday. Although he drank the wine-relief soup in time and made him vomit, he was blocked by the people sent by General Shen.

  General Shen’s rule is very strict, even if he is his own son, he has to abide by the rules.

  After Shen Qin returned to the barracks, he was beaten with a board, still in front of other soldiers.

  The other soldiers were even more dissatisfied with the princess, but more of them were surrender to General Shen, and they were more careful in their work.

Hearing Song Yan's words now, Shen Qin's lips were tightly pursed, and his voice was full of anger: "You take a team over there and ask her what she wants to do, if it threatens the safety of the barracks, send her away by force. "

   "Little general, this subordinate is going!" Song Yan had long been dissatisfied with the princess, but the disparity in status made him endure even if he was dissatisfied.

   Now he finally had an excuse. After a smug smile on his face, he turned around and left the camp, leading a team of troops out of the barracks.

   Liangshan slope.

  Ye Muyu just took two steps when she realized something was wrong, and her face turned pale.

  Liu Xiang was leading the horse over. Seeing her like this, she was a little surprised: "What's wrong with you?"

  Ye Muyu covered her stomach, seeing no one was around, her voice was small, her cheeks were dark red: "It's menstruation."

   "Ah..." Liu Xiang whispered.

  Ye Muyu hurriedly hissed, telling her to keep her voice down, except for the three of them who were girls, the others were all guards from the Hou residence.

   Liu Xiang hurriedly lowered her voice, and asked, "Then, what should I do?"

   "I want to see the princess." Ye Muyu smiled wryly, and she didn't know if the princess would promise her not to ride a horse.

  Liu Xiang had a deep understanding of this matter, and after nodding, she walked towards Li Ruyi first.

  Ye Muyu followed and walked over.

  Li Ruyi listened to what Ye Muyu said, and after pondering for a while, said: "I'll send someone to take you back."

  Ye Muyu was slightly surprised.

  Li Ruyi noticed her expression and hooked her lips: "Why, you really think I'm going to let you mount a horse."

   "Thank you Princess." Ye Muyu smiled and thanked.

  Li Ruyi snorted arrogantly, ignored her, raised her hand and called a guard over to **** Ye Muyu back.

  (end of this chapter)

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