Chapter 939 Potatoes

"Isn't that right?" The old woman sighed: "In these towns and villages, you can grow some wheat at most, but the harvest is not high, but sweet potatoes, which do not require much land, can grow a large area. "

   "But it's uncomfortable to eat sweet potatoes alone. However, if you can mix some noodles with it, you can live on. From time to time, you can pick up some medicinal materials on the mountain, and you can change the taste."

   "Young people who are capable will go to the county to find work."

  Ye Muyu listened, not surprised at all, thought for a while and asked: "Auntie, do you grind sweet potatoes into powder to eat?"

  Since I can only eat sweet potatoes, it is good to change the way of eating to improve the taste.

   "Can sweet potatoes be ground?" The old woman had never heard of this saying. "We all dug a cellar and put sweet potatoes in it, which can be preserved for a winter."

   "Auntie, grinding sweet potatoes into powder is not only easy to preserve, but also a new way of eating." Ye Muyu said.

  The old woman was a little surprised: "Ah? Then how should I do it?"

   "All you need to do is peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into small pieces, then grind them into a pulp..." Ye Muyu told the old woman how to make sweet potato flour.

  After listening to the old lady, she didn't say anything wrong. She had done farm work, and usually used a mill for other things. Now, after hearing Ye Muyu's words, she felt that it made sense.

   "Girl, how did you come up with this idea?" the old woman asked in surprise.

  Ye Muyu said: "I used to be from the county below Nanyuan Mansion. This kind of sweet potato flour is already available there, so it's nothing unusual. Auntie, if you don't mind the trouble, you can try it when you have time."

   "There are several good ways to eat sweet potato flour. It can be fried and eaten like pancakes. It can also be made into sweet potato flour. If you are hungry, you can cook it directly. There is also sweet potato jelly."

  Ye Muyu told the old woman exactly how to make a few dishes, which was regarded as a kind repayment.

  Of course, if it can spread, that would be a good thing.

  The old woman became more and more surprised as she listened: "I think the sweet potato flour you mentioned is a very good food. It can fill you up in the morning or at night, just like noodles."

   "Auntie is right. Eating sweet potato flour is like noodles, and you won't feel greasy. It's much better than eating sweet potatoes directly." Ye Muyu felt that sweet potato flour might affect people's lives.

  The two talked about how to eat for a while.

  Ye Muyu turned her head casually, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner: "Huh?"

   "Auntie, what is this?" Ye Muyu walked to the corner and wiped the dusty potato eggs clean.

   Isn’t this a potato?

  Ye Muyu's eyes lit up.

  The old woman saw the fruit she was holding clearly, and said, "This is a sweet potato. It was actually an accident that it was dug out."

   "In the past, the old man and I would go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, cut some wild vegetables in an instant and feed them to chickens and ducks, but we didn't know how to dig the roots."

"It's also because the old man didn't hold his **** steady. He just dug up the sweet potato vine and pulled out the fruit. Later, we took it to the county to ask, and the young general told us that it was a sweet potato, something outside the fan, and said it was okay. Eat, our old couple went to the mountains to find some, usually cooked and eaten, the taste is not bad.”

   "Girl thinks it's rare, if you like it, just take it." The old woman said with a smile.

  Ye Muyu hesitated for a while before accepting: "Auntie, to be honest, I want to take it back and try to plant it. If it can be planted, the common people can eat more in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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