Chapter 941 Inform

   Seeing him leave, Ye Muyu didn't hesitate anymore, and went straight to the little general's camp.

  As soon as he arrived, he was stopped by someone, it was Zhang Miao.

  Seeing him at this time, Ye Muyu always felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she just asked, "Is the little general there?"

   "The little general needs to rest, so don't bother him with the Princess' affairs." Zhang Miao looked at her with an unkind expression.

  Ye Muyu was a little puzzled: "Is the little general sick?"

   "I just came here to tell the little general that I accidentally discovered a new crop that should be able to be planted on the sand. If it succeeds, there will be more food in the barracks in the future."

"It's just that some soldiers must be assigned to farm the land. I don't know if the little general is far away. Alas, this is actually a long-term matter. If you do it well, you will definitely gain a lot." Ye Muyu sighed helplessly. tone way.

  Zhang Miao's eyes flickered, and he looked at her, as if he was judging the truth of her words.

  Ye Muyu was not guilty at all, and looked directly at him.

   While saying: "Lieutenant General, please let me go in and meet the little general. I will leave after I have said this. It should not delay the little general's rest."

   "I'll report." Zhang Miao glanced at her, then turned and entered the tent.

  Ye Muyu still had a sincere expression on his face.

   Soon, Zhang Miao came out and let her in.

  After Ye Muyu walked in, she saw Shen Qin lying face down on the bed in the tent. She was surprised for a moment before she understood that what the princess did yesterday, the little general violated the military regulations, and she might be punished.

   "Little General, can I come and talk?"

  Ye Muyu was holding the bag of potatoes in his hand, and asked the other party for their opinion first.

   Shen Qin nodded: "Come here."

   "Zhang Miao said that you have discovered a new crop, what is it?" Although Shen Qin was lying down, he did not rest, and was still reading a book of war.

  Ye Muyu approached, and after making sure she was far enough away from the tent, she lowered her voice and said, "Little General, I also discovered something, calm down and listen to me slowly."

  Ye Muyu told the story of the Luo people who had discovered the group of people who had been hiding in Dachu for an unknown number of years.

   At the same time, he said: "Little general, those people don't know why they stayed in Dachu, it's better to find out the reason."

   "Is there any paper and ink here? I remember their looks and I can draw them."

  Shen Qin was startled by the news, he didn't react until Ye Muyu finished asking, and quickly said: "Yes, yes."

   "By the way, little general, I think Lieutenant General Zhang Miao has some problems."

   "Specifically, you can check it yourself, don't say I said it." Ye Muyu added another sentence.

  Shen Qin was a little surprised: "How could it be? He is an orphan, so he was able to enter the barracks because of my permission. He also saved my life on the battlefield before."

Ye Muyu was a little hesitant, "I don't know, it's just a feeling, little general, don't be angry, I just told what I know, and it's not to drive a wedge between your subordinates, that's why I said, don't let Lieutenant Zhang Miao I got it, otherwise if there is a misunderstanding, I'm afraid I'll be angry, and it will be embarrassing."

  Shen Qin was a little silent. He didn't doubt Zhang Miao at first, but he was reminded by Ye Muyu, thinking that she had never been a talkative person, but he remembered it in his heart.

Especially those few people who are clearly from Luo State but appeared in Da Chu, he thought more than Ye Muyu, the entire border from Luo State to Da Chu was controlled by Shen Jiajun, how could there be people from Luo State sneaking into Da Chu .

   It's been a few years since I sneaked in.

  (end of this chapter)

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