Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 943: Potato Rib Soup

  Chapter 943 Potato Rib Soup

   "Mom, there's nothing to worry about. I've told you that everything will be fine."

"By the way, I asked Sumei to bring some food over this morning. Did you receive it?" Ye Muyu walked to the side and sat down, and Mrs. Ye hurriedly poured tea for her: "Yes, yes, you don't need to worry about us, isn't that right?" No matter what is difficult, you should pay more attention when you follow the princess."

"Mother, the princess is not as scary as you said, she is just a little willful, but she has the qualifications to be willful, well, I am not very good, it is raining today, and the princess asked me to come back to rest. "It's not convenient for Ye Muyu to talk about menstruation, and she doesn't want to worry her family too much.

   "Well, anyway, if there is anything, you have to tell mother." Ye Pozi said very worriedly.

  Ye Muyu nodded obediently, seeing that Granny Ye was relieved, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   hurriedly changed the subject: "Mom, take a look at what this is?"

  Ye Muyu opened the bag, revealing the potatoes inside.

  Grandma Ye picked it up: "I haven't seen it before, is it a wild fruit?"

   "Mother, this is also a kind of coarse grain, vegetable, similar to sweet potatoes." Ye Muyu asked Sumei to bring in a water basin, picked some potatoes that were not suitable for planting, put them in the water basin and washed them clean.

  Without a knife, she simply pulled out the dagger given by the princess and peeled off the skin.

  Ye Hao just came back from outside the tent. He can walk slowly now, and he can rejoin the training when the wound is completely healed.

   "Big sister, this dagger of yours is..." Ye Hao sat down and recognized it at a glance.

  Ye Muyu looked at it and said, "It was a reward from the princess."

   "Princess?" Ye Pozi was a little surprised, "Isn't the princess difficult to get along with? Why did you give you a dagger? My daughter, the princess doesn't have any bad ideas, does she?"

  Ye Dejiang was also a little worried: "It's so precious, girl, can you accept it?"

  Ye Hao also frowned. Ever since the Princess made things difficult for Ye Muyu, he never dared to really think that the Princess is a good person to get along with.

   Besides, the other party's previous request was for him to marry her.

  Every time he thought of this, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

   "It's okay, I also sent acne cream to the princess. If it's not enough, we'll send some honey from my hometown." Ye Muyu felt that with the princess's temperament, she gave it away and would definitely not take it back.

  She didn't just touch the bad luck.

   It is better to return it in other ways.

   "Mother, listen to my sister, she has her own reasons." Ye Hao said.

  Grandma Ye nodded after hearing this, but it was not good for her to intervene.

   "Ma'am, the stove is lit." Sumei came over and said.

  Ye Muyu thought, there aren't many potatoes, so let's stew the potato ribs, and it will be easy to share when the time comes.

  First put the ribs into the pot and simmer until they are almost ready, then put the potatoes in.

   Stewed for another quarter of an hour.

   A pot of potato ribs is fine.

  There is rice cooked on the side.

  It was getting late, Ye Muyu directly poured the soup into the rice bowl.

   Served a few more bowls and sent them to the little general.

  The soldiers in the ward smelled the fragrance and were very hungry, but they were too embarrassed to speak.

  Ye Muyu asked Ye Pozi and the others to bring soup and potatoes.

  The meat is relatively small, if you can’t share it, don’t divide it, and it’s not bad to have hot broth.

   Waiting for a meal, Ye Muyu felt extremely satisfied.

   "Ma'am, this sweet potato is delicious." Sumei was a little surprised, pointing to the potato egg.

  (end of this chapter)

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