Chapter 945 Accident

"No one mentioned it. I was lucky to meet you today while hiding from the rain. In the future, I will grow a delicious miscellaneous grain." Ye Muyu is really happy. With this kind of seed, he wants to eat more potatoes in the future. It is not difficult.

   "Ma'am, you mean you know how to plant?"

  Ye Muyu: "Old Huang, you can just call me Ayu."

   "Actually, I have read some miscellaneous travel notes before, which mentioned similar crops. I guess it is it."

   "There are also some foreigners who came from overseas and brought some travel notes. Although there are some incomprehensible words written on them, there are also some foreigners who have made notes and can barely recognize some of the meaning."

  "Overseas, sweet potatoes seem to be called ground eggs and ground beans. Although the names are different, but according to the description, they should be quite different."

  Old Huang suddenly realized: "No wonder you know so much, Ayu. You are literate. Read more books. There is a golden house in the book."

   "Those foreigners also mentioned how to grow sweet potatoes, so it shouldn't be difficult to grow sweet potatoes." Ye Muyu said.

  After hearing this, Mr. Huang no longer had any doubts, but couldn't help asking: "Ah Yu, if it really grows, maybe tell the soldiers in the barracks the way?"

   After he said this, he felt a little owed, and regretted it a little. He couldn't help her intercede with the princess, but now he wants her to help tell how to grow life-saving food.

  Thinking of this, he felt even more guilty.

   "Ah Yu, I'm talking nonsense, don't take it to heart." He hurriedly added.

Hearing what he said, Ye Muyu didn't understand anything, and said with a smile: "Old Huang, I have already told the little general about this, don't worry, but the planting time is in November, and it will take Gather seeds."

  Mr. Huang did not expect that she would have said it long ago, so it can be seen that she has no complaints at all.

  He already had a good impression of Ye Hao's family. For Ye Muyu, a married woman, he was willing to put down his face and dignity to save his elder brother, so his perception of Ye Muyu was even better.

   What's more, I heard later that she was called by the princess to learn how to ride a horse and hurt her leg.

  He and Lu Sangqi researched wound medicine together, striving to leave as few scars as possible.

  Now, he realizes that Ye Muyu, a woman, actually has righteousness in her heart, and he has no choice but to look up to her again.

   "Ayu, you are a good boy." Huang Lao sighed sincerely.

  Ye Muyu: "Mr. Huang, you are absurd. Speaking of it, I am also selfish. If sweet potatoes are planted, the soldiers will be full, and the victory rate on the battlefield will be higher."

   "If there is no war, the men in my family will not have to go to the army. Only when the country is stable can they live a good life."

  She felt that this was indeed selfishness. After all, she didn't have to go to the battlefield, and she just said a few words, and didn't have to work hard to do anything, so she got benefits for nothing.

  Old Huang laughed and said, "Then I hope that Dachu will have many selfish people like you in the future."

  Ye Muyu laughed when she heard this, and the whole family was in a good mood. Everyone knew that what Huang Lao said was a compliment to her.

   Had lunch.

  Ye Muyu went to the carriage to change the menstrual belt, because it was inconvenient, she didn't want to keep more.

   Waited for the rain to lighten a bit.

  Bring Sumei back to the county.

   That night.

  While Ye Muyu was sleeping soundly, Sumei suddenly came in from outside the house with a terrified expression: "Ma'am, something happened."

   "What's the matter?" Ye Muyu was shaken awake, seeing her expression was wrong, and there was still noise outside, she also realized something was wrong.

  (end of this chapter)

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