Chapter 955 Nightmare

Ye Muyu fell asleep quickly this time, but she fell into a nightmare later on. In the dream, she saw Chu Heng wearing a dark robe, playing gongs and drums around, as if celebrating something. She thought it was a happy event, but then somehow, A group of people came to the edge of the cliff, and a group of big men with knives chased after Chu Heng.

  I saw him jumping off the cliff to save his life.

  Ye Muyu yelled at the side, reaching out to grab him, but his hand fell through her palm.

  Ye Muyu woke up, sat up abruptly, her face was still in shock.

  Su Lan, who heard the voice outside, hurried in: "Ma'am, what's the matter?"

   "What time is it now?" Ye Muyu touched the cold sweat on her forehead, she only felt that her hands and feet were icy cold. It was obviously summer, but she felt as if she had fallen into the ice, which was a bit cold to the bone.

   "It's You hour now."

  Ye Muyu suddenly realized that she had slept for four hours.

  She lifted the thin quilt and got off the bed. Sumei quickly found clothes and put them on for her.

  Ye Muyu didn't move, and let her wait on her. After a long time, she found her own voice and asked, "Have you written a letter from the master?"

   "Here comes ma'am."

  Ye Muyu's lifeless eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed her arm and asked, "Where is it, let me see."

  Su Lan didn't understand why she was so emotional, but she didn't dare to comment.

   Not long after, Ye Muyu was sitting on the soft couch, holding the letter from Chu Heng in his hand.

  The font on the letter is still so majestic, but the content inside is not about important family and country affairs, but about his daily trivial matters.

  Chu Heng has passed the Jinshi examination and was directly assigned to Yuzhou to control the floods. The date of his appointment will be from March to May, that is to say, the current Chu Heng should have already taken office.

  Ye Muyu was very happy for him. She knew that her man had a heart for the world, and his intelligence was outstanding. If he lived in a small county town, he would be humiliated instead.

  The following words made Ye Muyu's cheeks turn pink, it said, Ah Yu, I miss you so much.

  She could even imagine the man's dazed mood after writing the last sentence.

  Thinking of the dream just now, the smile on the corner of Ye Muyu's mouth faded a little, replaced by worry, "Call Butler Luo to come in."

   Su Lan responded and went out to find someone.

   Butler Luo will be here soon.

  Ye Muyu: "The master has sent another letter, is there any specific news from the master?"

"Ma'am, the master should have already taken office." Luo Qisheng was very excited when he said this, he is a Jinshi, he even entered the Hanlin Academy, and was called to deal with floods just after entering the officialdom, if he has achieved something, Still afraid that the official career will not go well?

  He said that he was right.

   "You send two people to see the master's situation in detail." Ye Muyu couldn't talk about the things in his dream, so he gave orders directly.

  Although Luo Qisheng didn't understand why, he didn't delay his obedience, and nodded in agreement to show that he knew.

   Finished the order.

   When it was time for dinner, Ye Muyu went to the front yard.

  Grandma Ye was talking lively with Mrs. Chu and Liu, when they saw her coming, they both stopped.

   "Ah Yu, have you rested?" Chu Liu asked with concern.

  Grandma Ye even smiled all over her face: "Girl, son-in-law is really capable. He has already been admitted to Jinshi, and now he is an official. Congratulations, old sister."

Chu Liu has been with Mrs. Ye for so long, and she also knows that she is the most protective. The rumors that she has a bad temper and loves to take advantage of her daughter's house are said the year before last. In her opinion, it is not always true. After all, she knows how much she has at home. What's more, the Ye family really had a hard time before.

  (end of this chapter)

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