Chapter 958 Handover

  After she quickly ordered, when Du Mei left to inform, she randomly found a piece of clothing on board, and rushed to the front hall.

  When she arrived, both Chu Liushi and Chu Zhiwen were there.

  Seeing her, she hurriedly asked, "Ah Yu, did you say it was Ah Heng who wrote?"

   "Well, parents, have you also received the letter?"

   "Got it, butler Luo read it to us just now, something happened to Ah Heng." Chu Liu frowned, eyes full of worry: "You still called us over, Ah Yu, tell me, when will we go over?"

   "Mother, give me three days to arrange the family affairs, and then we will go." Ye Muyu said, pursing her lips lightly.

  Chu Zhiwen felt a little bit sad when he heard that he had left his good home: "Mother, are we really going?"

   "Otherwise, Ah Yu will go there? There are so many Zhuangzi and shops in the house, we don't look at them, is it okay?"

   "There is also the eldest and the second, all in the hometown."

"You want to see, Ah Heng has become an official, and he will definitely not be able to return to his hometown in the future. The two of us, either go there together, or stay in our hometown. You can think about it." Chu Liu is worried about Chu Heng's situation. .

  Ye Muyu was more worried, but she couldn't lose her sense of proportion first.

   "Father, mother, Ah Heng made an arrangement before he left. Some servants will be left to clean the house."

   "Steward Luo has also trained some people, and those servants will stay."

   "Next to the house, Ah Heng and I have already bought a whole block of houses. Go back and ask the people in the clan if anyone is willing to pay for it, you can sell it to them at a lower price than the market price."

   "In the shop, if you have talent, you can try it."

   "Also, Ah Heng will give the family a hundred taels of silver every year. Whether it is to develop the family or study, we will use this money. However, Ah Heng and I need to read the account books every year."

   "The eldest brother and the second brother have started their business now, so there is no need to worry too much. If parents are worried about the family, they can visit Ah Heng first and then come back."

"That's a good idea. I'm not in my hometown to watch, so I don't feel at ease." Chu Zhiwen felt more at ease: "I asked many people, and they said that it costs more money to be an official, not to mention that this is our hometown. , how can anyone lose their ancestral home?"

"Speaking of which, Ah Heng is too capable, Ah Yu, you are too good at making money, and your fortune is too fast, I can't even react." Chu Zhiwen sighed, although he said so, the smile on his face did not Closed.

  Ms. Chu and Liu glanced at him, thinking that her parents who had just moved to the county didn't really want to leave. The main reason is that the situation of the third child is not stable, so she is not in a hurry to follow now.

  The main reason is that many things in her hometown have just developed, and no one is guarding her, so she is worried.

   "Okay, your father and I will go and have a look first. If Ah Heng is okay, we will come back."

  Ye Muyu hummed twice and asked the two to pack their luggage.

  She went down to make arrangements.

   Steward Luo will definitely take away, as well as some guards.

  She first found Steward Luo, and met Steward Rong Yunrong, his second in command. After Ye Muyu asked some questions and made sure that the other party had no problems, she began to arrange things.

  Although Steward Luo said he was going to Yuzhou, he often went out on errands, and with a caravan in his hand, it was convenient for him to come and go.

   It is very simple to arrange the manpower on Chu Heng's side, because they all have second-in-commands, and if they leave the others, there will be no one available.

   On Ye Muyu's side, the time is too urgent.

  (end of this chapter)

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