Chapter 962 is back

   Madam must be so sad.

  Ye Muyu said she was sad, a little bit, but she could control it, and more importantly, there were some problems in front of her.

   "How is it with parents?" Ye Muyu asked.

   "The old lady and the old man are not bad. The old lady said that she will help take care of the child. Let the lady not worry. When the old man comes back, she will tell the old man."

   "Well, let's have dinner."

   On the boat, she was somewhat less comfortable than at home. Although Ye Muyu was not seasick, she was not very comfortable, nor did she have much appetite.

   Now I feel better after scaring the boat.

   After a while, the food was brought over, and she could tell at a glance that Sumei made it.

   "Did you cook this meal?" Ye Muyu asked while eating.

  Sumei nodded: "Madam, this servant knows that you are used to the food cooked by this servant. After all, the cooks here are not as good as those from your hometown."

   "Good job." Ye Muyu smiled slightly.

  Although Sumei doesn't know why she laughs, she is happy when Madam is happy.

   "You take the food in the big kitchen and eat it. You have worked hard along the way."

"Thank you Madam for the reward." Su Mei and Su Lan looked at each other. This kind of slap in the face of a concubine's room is of course very happy. I thought Madam was gentle and would not care about anything, but unexpectedly this time Being stubborn, I directly let the new aunt be embarrassed several times.

  Did Ye Muyu do it on purpose?

   Of course yes.

  She was unhappy, and the two culprits who made her unhappy couldn't be happy either.

  Whether it is Chu Heng or Lin Mianmian, she will not give in.

  After eating, Ye Muyu lay down to rest, not thinking about the situation in the mansion at all, and only asked Sumei to tidy up the small kitchen in the yard.

   She naturally wouldn't ask about the situation in the mansion right now. When Chu Heng came back, his attitude determined her status in the mansion and her decision.

  Going to Guanfu now is thankless and strenuous, so why not take a good rest.

  After all, if Chu Heng was on Lin Mianmian's side, so what if she took over the power of the family in the mansion, and the servants below are not obedient, they are inferior.

   This time Ye Muyu slept for a long time.

  The chief went to the Chu Liu family and sent people over to ask twice.

  Sumei and Su Lan and the maidservants stood in the yard, and went in to look at it a few times, almost worried that Madam was in trouble.

   And when the two maids didn't know what to do, Chu Heng came back.

   Front yard.

Chu Heng came in from outside the mansion, his cold handsome face was expressionless, the chill all over his body made people dare not approach him, his brows were cold and stern, he was dressed in a fine attire, and his imposing manner made people dare not get close, but he was also extraordinary handsome, just by taking a look He couldn't help but be attracted to it.

  The maids in the mansion couldn't help but look at him more, and their movements were subtle.

   "Master, old lady, old lady, madam, miss, and young master arrived in the morning and have already rested. The old lady asked her subordinates to tell you to meet her when she comes back." Seeing that Chu Heng had returned, Lu Chuan hurriedly reported the situation.

  Chu Heng only hummed, and Lu Chuan stood behind and could only see his chin.

  Seeing the master striding towards the backyard, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Now getting along with the master, he feels more and more pressure.

   "Ah Heng?"

  Chu Liu and Chu Zhiwen sat in the room.

  The two of them have already received the news that Chu Heng is back.

   I couldn't sit still, but considering San'er's amnesia, Chu Liu felt that she couldn't be too enthusiastic, and she had to let him know the majesty of being a parent.

  (end of this chapter)

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