Chapter 974 found

  She barely saw a locust tree, even so, she was already very happy, with this tree, it might solve the problem.

  Just as Ye Muyu breathed a sigh of relief and was happy, a voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"what are you doing here?"

Ye Muyu was taken aback, and when she came back to her senses, she saw that it was Chu Heng. She patted her chest, not caring about his dark face, walked straight over, and grabbed his sleeve: "Master, I have some good news for you. Listen or not."

   "How did you get here?" Chu Heng didn't listen to her at all, apparently a little unhappy with her appearing here.

  Ye Muyu looked up at him: "I came here by carriage."

  Chu Heng looked down at her, and all he saw was the white neck. He had a stiff face, and was very dissatisfied with Ye Muyu's answer, she was not answering at all.

   "I'll have someone take you back." Chu Heng said.

   "I won't go back." Ye Muyu directly vetoed it without hesitation, "Are you sure you don't want to listen to me?"

  Chu Heng didn't say anything, just looked at her, reached out and grabbed her wrist, and walked towards the village.

  Seeing that he had no intention of leaving the village, Ye Muyu stopped struggling.

Seeing the sand on the soles of the man's feet, it was obvious that he had run for countless times, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Actually, the situation here is that the sand is piled up, but there are too few trees, and the river water from the upper reaches washes it down, and it will kill you in an instant." The village is flooded."

   "So we need to divert the water first, and then plant trees. It will definitely alleviate this situation."

  Chu Heng, who was walking in front, stopped and looked back at her, "So you came here to find out the truth?"

   "Otherwise, why did I come all the way here? It's not like I don't know how to enjoy it." Ye Muyu poked the ground with a wooden stick in his hand.

  Chu Heng looked at her hands that were not rough at all, quickly retracted his gaze, and walked in front: "It can be seen."


  Ye Muyu didn't react for a while.

  Beside Chunqin reminded in a low voice: "Madam, I think your skin is good." So it doesn't look like you have done heavy work.

  Ye Muyu patted Chunqin's hand, thanked her for her reminder, raised the hem of her skirt to catch up with Chu Heng, and explained quite seriously: "It's not that I didn't work, it's just that the grease I made is good, so my skin is good."

  Hearing what she said, Chu Heng didn't refute anything. After all, his parents are satisfied with her, which shows that he is not a lazy person.

  Actually, he was thinking about the flood control things that Ye Muyu said, and he became fascinated when he thought about it.

  Seeing that he stopped talking again, Ye Muyu took it for granted and didn't take it seriously. When she first met Chu Heng, he had this temperament.

  She is used to it, and naturally she doesn't think there is a problem if she doesn't speak.

   soon arrived at a farm.

  Seeing the carriage at the door, Ye Muyu understood that this should be where they stayed.

   Sure enough, after walking in, he saw a middle-aged thin man in an official uniform sitting on a stool, and there were some papers on an old low table in front of him.

  Hearing the sound, the magistrate of Li County got up, saw Chu Heng, and hurried over to salute.

   "Lord Chu, Mrs. Chu."

  Ye Muyu also returned the salute, noticing the county magistrate's suspicious eyes on her, she didn't care, and just stood beside Chu Heng quietly.

  Chu Heng walked to the table, picked up a brush beside him, and wrote down the details of his investigation.

  Ye Muyu walked over and looked down at the papers on the table. There were some maps. Although they were very simple, they marked the location of the river and the flow of the entire river.

  (end of this chapter)

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