Chapter 988 Do it yourself

   "Madam Chu actually sold it first?" Eunuch Ren was a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at Chu Heng.

  Chu Heng shook his head lightly: "My wife didn't mention this matter, I'll go back and ask later."

"Okay, let's go, let's go get a bowl to drink first." Eunuch Ren has recently been subdued by Ye Muyu's cooking skills. He can eat even more of the meals she cooks. He eats more than usual. He is so busy all the time. For a long time, I didn't lose weight.

   "Boss, here are three bowls." Eunuch Ren's voice was high-pitched, and he took out the copper plate, and soon three bowls of sour plum soup came out.

  The three served a bowl respectively.

  Chu Heng drank it, and the first impression was that it was really different from Ye Muyu's cooking. Her cooking skills always have her own style, and the taste is so delicious that people can't stop.

  Eunuch Ren took two sips and smacked his mouth: "Not bad, sweet and sour, very appetizing after drinking, now I can't wait to eat two more bowls."

   "The lower official thinks it's very refreshing." County magistrate Qi has been with the two for a long time, and he is not so restrained, basically speaking the truth.

   "Let's go, go back and ask, when did this sour plum soup come out." After finishing the drink, Eunuch Ren didn't say much, and went back home.

  Going back to the county office, he went straight into the backyard.

  Chunqin saw him coming back, and hurriedly shouted to the small kitchen: "Ma'am, Master Chu is back."

   "What is madam doing?" Chu Heng walked in, and asked subconsciously when he heard this.

   "Lord Chu, Madam is making sour plum soup."

  Hearing the words of sour plum soup, he frowned slightly, and walked into the small kitchen, only to feel a burst of heat coming out. It was already very hot summer, and it wasn't that hot in the morning, but the kitchen was an exception.

  He looked up and saw Ye Muyu busy inside, maybe it was hot, she had a handkerchief pinned in front of her, and she picked it up to wipe the sweat from her forehead from time to time.

  The pretty little face was flushed red from the heat, but she looked calm and not impatient at all.

  Chu Heng realized that he had discovered another personality of hers.

  He only hesitated for a while, then raised his feet and went straight in. When he got to her side, he saw her stirring the sour plum soup in the pot, and the heat was coming out, and her delicate hands were already red.

   "I'll come." Chu Heng frowned slightly, as if he didn't like seeing him suffer, and reached out to help her.

  Ye Muyu actually knew that he came in a long time ago, but now is the critical moment to make sour plum soup, and she would not be able to spare the time to talk even if she was afraid that it would be a mess.

   "Okay then." Ye Muyu didn't refuse, and after giving him the spoon, he didn't forget to tell him to use the force: "Just stir along and keep the speed constant."

  She withdrew her hand, took out a little ointment from her waist, and applied it to her hands, feeling much better instantly.

   "Why did you do it yourself?" Chu Heng asked suddenly.

  Ye Muyu: "Because only I know how to make it taste good. Besides, Chunqin is washing big wooden barrels outside, which is also a tiring job."

  Because the wooden barrel is big, it has to be washed clean, which is tiring.

   "You can call the guards." Chu Heng glanced across the back of her hand again: "It's too hot for a while, and the back of your hand will be scalded with blisters."

   Isn’t that right? The water vapor is also very hot. It’s okay to be scalded for a while, but after a long time, it will hurt if the hands don’t bubble.

  Ye Muyu touched the back of his hand, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm used to stirring, so I know how to pay attention, besides, I'm carrying ointment."

   "By the way, the flood in Li County has already recruited workers to go to Zhili. Are we going to leave here?"

  (end of this chapter)

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