Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 993: sweet potato flour

  Chapter 993 Sweet Potato Flour

   Courage suddenly disappeared like a balloon, and he retreated in fear.

  Ye Muyu sat next to her, looking a little funny, but this maid was bold and didn't take her seriously at all, but she wanted to please Chu Heng.

   Isn't belittling her the same as belittling Chu Heng?

   I really don't know how these people's brains grow.

  She smiled wordlessly.

   "Your robe was also bumped and stained by that maid?" Seeing that Chu Heng's face was still pretty, Ye Muyu sighed and softly comforted him.

  Chu Heng loosened his frown, and when he saw her clean eyes, the restlessness in his heart was suddenly soothed.

   Now he suddenly understood why he didn't dislike Ye Muyu's approach, not only because she was his wife, but also because of her eyes.

   There is no calculation at all, what you want to do, you will say it directly, and you will not go around with him.

   "It's County Magistrate Sun's daughter." Chu Heng didn't intend to mention this matter at first, but for some reason, hearing her ask, he couldn't help subconsciously telling her all the details of this matter.

  As if he didn't want to hide from her at all.

   "I came back from the county office and when I walked through the corridor, I met a woman who fell down. I stepped back and ignored it, but the tea was stained on my outer shirt."

   "Hearing the shouts of those maidservants, I know it's the second young lady of the mansion."

   "The second young lady in the house is from a concubine." Ye Muyu put her finger on the table slightly and mentioned.

  Chu Heng frowned, and continued: "I can hear the second young lady ordering the servants to treat me well after walking far away."

   "You are really unlucky." Ye Muyu said sincerely, she moved her lips: "I don't know if the second lady has hatred for you, or has thoughts about you?"

   "I don't know." Chu Heng was extremely indifferent, and didn't put Miss Sun's family on him at all.

   "Master Chu, the hot water is here..."

  The maid who left before came back again.

  Ye Muyu looked over subconsciously, and saw that the person hadn't walked over, and Chu Heng said blankly: "It's too cold."

   "Change again."

  Ye Muyu could almost see the girl's expression on the verge of cracking, and also realized that Chu Heng was deliberately embarrassing her.

   She knelt down and wanted to speak, but Chu Heng repeated indifferently.

  The servant girl trembled her legs, held back her tears, and took it out again.

  Ye Muyu's eyes flashed a smile.

   "It's not good to waste this water, let her carry the water tub, I'm afraid you will have to take a bath." Ye Muyu said softly.

  Chu Heng hummed, and gave instructions to Lu Chuan outside the door.

   As Chu Heng's personal guard, Lu Chuan let Lu Chuan live here because there were two wing rooms for his servants on both sides of the backyard room.

   "What do you want to eat, I'll prepare dinner for you." Ye Muyu asked.

   "Hot and sour powder." Chu Heng said.

  Ye Muyu didn't expect him to eat this, so he raised his eyes and asked him, "Do you really want to eat it, or do you want to promote sweet potato flour?"

   "Selling hot and sour noodles." Chu Heng finally told the truth, in fact, he wanted to eat something light.

   "Then you don't have to worry." Ye Muyu said with a smile, "I have some good news for you. All the hot and sour noodles made in our village are sold to General Shen and the others."

   "Because it's not the season for digging sweet potatoes, I owe a lot."

  The output of sweet potatoes is much higher than that of wheat and rice, and basically all rural people can grow them.

After having sweet potato flour, Shen Jiajun sold part of his military rations to buy sweet potato flour. Even if he only ate sweet potato flour for one meal a day, he could easily fill his stomach. The price was cheaper, more convenient, and easier to store. Natural sales are good.

  (end of this chapter)

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