Chapter 996 Bought it back

   County magistrate Sun was angry and angry, but he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he looked at Eunuch Ren: "Eunuch, do you want to go down and rest?"

   "No, the miscellaneous family has something to tell Master Chu." Eunuch Ren looked at him with a smile, but rejected his overture.

   County Magistrate Sun's heart skipped a beat, and he walked out of the courtyard top-heavy.

   "Eunuch was shocked." Chu Heng stood up and apologized.

Eunuch Ren waved his hand: "I don't understand what you mean. If we don't come this once, County Magistrate Sun thinks we are easy to bully. He doesn't want to cooperate if he doesn't say that he is in the county office. He always finds various reasons. It's such a mess."

   "It's still you who are decisive. In this way, County Magistrate Sun finally knows how to be afraid. If you complete the task here earlier, you can go back sooner." Eunuch Ren's purpose is very simple, and he really solved the flood problem.

  If the flood can really be dealt with, he will also be credited. After returning to the palace, not only will he be rewarded, but the emperor will also look up to him.

  Chu Heng is obviously doing a good job, but he has resolved everything and respects him enough. Eunuch Ren feels that working with Chu Heng is a very comfortable thing.

   "Is there any problem with the father-in-law?" Chu Heng asked.

   "No, no, that kid still doesn't dare to bully me."

   "The miscellaneous family will go back first, you should have a good rest." Eunuch Ren left with a smile on his face.

  Chu Heng personally sent Eunuch Ren out of the yard. When he came back, he saw Ye Muyu had gone into the kitchen to work.

  He came back, stood by the kitchen and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "If you're not busy, help me light the fire." Ye Muyu said.

"Okay." Chu Heng walked in, sat in front of the clay stove, and slowly burned the firewood. He controlled the size of the fire very well, and Ye Muyu fried two more small dishes before bringing the food to the stone table in the yard. .

   After a while, Lu Chuan came back.

Satisfied with the braised pork, he finished his meal and quickly reported: "Master, madam, my subordinates took that maid to Ren Yazi to sell, and did not leave. Sure enough, I saw a maid from the county government coming to buy him." go back."

   "The subordinate followed the maid back and saw her enter the backyard, which is the yard of Aunt Gao, the concubine of County Magistrate Sun, and her daughter."

   "The subordinates had no way to get close. They only eavesdropped on the conversations of a few little maids. When they learned that Aunt Gao was angry and dropped a vase in the house, County Magistrate Sun rushed over to coax her."

   "Master, do you want to continue to inquire?" Lu Chuan asked.

  Ye Muyu smiled and looked at Chu Heng, who shook his head: "No need."

  He is not stupid, he knows that this has something to do with the concubine daughter of the Sun family, but his target is County Magistrate Sun.

   "Then the maid who was redeemed, do you want to deal with it?"

   "No, it's just following the orders of the master in the backyard. Now the county magistrate Sun and his concubine don't dare to mess around, so naturally it won't affect my affairs." Chu Heng said calmly.

Not dealing with the servant girl is not because of kindness, but because the other party is not the culprit at all. The previous kick has already punished her, and the masterminds of this incident are County Magistrate Sun and Aunt Gao. head.

   "The subordinate understands."

   "Go down and rest."

  It was getting late, and the yard was lit with lanterns for light.

  Ye Muyu didn't mess around anymore. After all, County Magistrate Sun was not a good person, and he was thick-skinned, digging holes for Chu Heng from time to time.

Chu Heng was not used to it. In the middle of the night, listening to the gentle breathing around him and Ye Muyu's unique fragrance, he frowned, and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms. His restless mood was calmed down. Calm was restored.

  (end of this chapter)

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