Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1015: The plan of the great emperor


The first thousand fifteen chapters of the plan of the great emperor

Among the clouds, Qin Nan swept the rear and saw the strong momentum of the rushing ship on the worry-free ship. The eyelids jumped and the speed of the move became faster. (. More recent chapters visit: ww. ▲ ≥ 79 novels, √≧ o

In this case, he naturally has to escape.

"Predecessors, I always feel a little bit wrong." Qin Nan suddenly thought of something.

Why is the third treasure of the Heavenly Emperor in the hands of the night?

And this time, the night of the night, seems to be quite beneficial to him?

In addition, why is there no night and half god, will take out the treasures of the Great Emperor?

"Oh, your kid is not stupid, I was noticed by you." The Emperor of Heaven was proud to say: "This tomb of the demigod is the one that I specifically let the guy without night open, let him leave this box. Take it out, I also told you."

"Is that what you said?" Qin Nan stayed.

"Of course, you are not going to break the South Gate 'door', the nightless guy and Nan Tian Shen have a big life and death, plus I appreciate the guy's 'sex' grid, then go to him, he does not believe you Level, so open the tomb of the demigod, has been observing your combat power." Broken Heaven.

"How do you know..." Qin Nan just wanted to ask, suddenly thought that the right arm of the God of War had found the Great Emperor, and let him make a broken knife. I am afraid that at that time, the right arm told the Emperor.

"Then why do you want to leave the treasure you left, let other genius know?" Qin Nan reacted, without words.

If it is not because of the genius of God, the knife and so on, who knows what the great emperor left, the elders of these major forces will not be so crazy.

Moreover, even if this time survives, it will be raging in the whole of Zhongzhou, and Qinnan will become the eye of countless people.

"Are you afraid?" The Great Emperor asked as if he was squinting. (ad)

"Afraid?" Qin Nan stunned, and then smiled lightly: "That is offensive to the entire state, I am afraid I do not know what it feels like."

"Hey, ‘That’s crazy?” The Emperor smiled and said: “Enough, I like your kid.”

Qin Nan was not snoring. After he understood the truth of the matter, he was faintly aware of it.

The Emperor of Heaven has tried his best to pull him out of the night and deliberately spread his treasure, I am afraid it has a deeper purpose.

Although the Emperor of the Heavens is crazy and has no trajectory to search for, Qin Nan will not think that the Emperor of Heaven is admiring him, and he is here to help him for no reason, and there must be some plot behind it.

Qin Nan shook his head, not thinking much, the Emperor of the Heavens, Wu Yuange, or the Dragon Emperor, they are plotting what, when he waits for him to be strong, naturally all know about the reads;

“Well?” Qin Nan turned to look at it, but he saw many figures in front of many elders.

This figure turned out to be a ‘flower’ split.

"How is he?"

Qinnan side marched forward and flew forward.

At this moment, no worries.

Along with the scream of "waiting", the elders of all major forces were glimpsed, looking forward, and suddenly saw that the ‘flower’ split was suspended in midair.

"What is the meaning of 'flower' cracking?" The great elder of the sword 'door' screamed.

"Give me away, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Oh, everyone, you are all giants with a face in Zhongzhou. According to the agreement, this inheritance, no matter who gets it, can not find the other side trouble." 'Flower' cracked while quietly whispering, while sneer: "Now suddenly turned face, I am chasing the first disciple of the 'door' in the Dragon Emperor's Court. Are you afraid of passing out jokes?"

"Father, you are this..." The ‘flower’ dust was completely stunned. I didn’t expect the ‘flower’ to split and would help Qinnan speak.

"Dust, you leave first, and quickly report to the demon emperor." 'Flower' cracked to him, and paused, and sighed again: "No matter what, Qin Nan is the person of the Dragon Emperor, we are inside Fighting can be, but others are bullying, absolutely not!"

The ‘flower’ was heard, and it was like a lightning strike.

On the other hand, the elders and the great geniuses.

"Give you three breaths, get out of my way!" The sword ‘door’ elders directly ignored.

"It’s ridiculous, can you tell me this kind of words?" The genius of the gods and the eyes of the three great emperors are 'exposed' and disdainful, especially the three emperors are excited, they have already given their fathers The news.

"Three breaths!"

"If you want to stop us so many people, you are alone."

All the elders, as well as the tens of thousands of knives and so on, are all shouting.

Under the momentum of the crowd, the face of the ‘flower’ cracked appeared a bit pale, but he did not hesitate, and instantly became a huge demon body, opened his mouth and snarled.

"The stubbornness is not working!"


More than a dozen elders shot at the same time, the terrible attack, evolved into a hill, and instantly suppressed the 'flower' crack on the surface of the sea, followed by their figure, bursting out of amazing speed, rushing into the distance Chasing.

They did not kill the ‘flower’ split. After all, the ‘flower’ split is the elder of the Dragon Emperor!

"Damn." ‘Flower’ split looked at the figure that everyone left, and his face was angry, then he thought of something, spit out a **** water, and his face was helpless with a hint of depression.

For Qin Nan, this **** was badly hit, how can he not be depressed in his heart?


On the day of Qinhuang, Qinnan spotted the murder of the rear stock, and his heart sank.

The elders of the major ‘door’ factions, all of them have reached the peak of Wuzu, and even the invincible Wuzu. The level of the martial arts against the heavens, the speed of the explosion, is extremely amazing, far from his Qinnan energy ratio.

If you continue this way, you will have to catch up sooner or later.

"Master, we help you bless!" At this moment, Xiao Xiaohong's voice sounded clear, not waiting for Qinnan opening, a towering green ‘color’ hat, it appeared on the top of Qinnan.

The speed of the whole person in Qinnan suddenly rose, and in the sky, others could only see a faint green shadow.

"This green hat actually has this effect?" Qin Nan sighed, then shouted: "You three, quickly give me the calculation, which direction to go best!"

"Left...left!" The two dogs quickly said: "The young master is the direction of the middle city."

"Middle Road City?"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the light flashed through the road. Without any hesitation, go directly to the direction of Zhongdaocheng.

At this moment, in the rear of Qinnan.

The great elders and geniuses saw the speed of Qinnan speeding up, and a slight glimpse. I didn’t expect Qinnan in the district to have such a speed. No wonder he was able to win the inheritance.

"Old sword, don't you take out your treasure ship?"

"Oh, Elder Wang Long, don't you have a magical act?"

Many elders have opened their mouths, and at the same time, many elders, after hesitating, took out the treasures, and the speed of the explosion is even more alarming.

Chase to continue.

They have crossed the city blocks of the mountains.

Every place where the elders of genius passed will attract countless dispersals. The face 'color' has changed greatly, and his face is stunned. I don’t know what happened. There are so many horrible strong people coming.

"Father responded!" Huo Wulong suddenly eyes lit up, and the other two emperor gods ‘color’ a joy, even the gods genius, the eyes also flashed the light.


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