Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1018: Pressure on people


The first thousand and eighteen chapters are pressing people

Under the leadership of the Emperor Qianguang and the Emperor Huo Ling, many elders followed, and Hao Hao swayed and swayed toward the Dragon Emperor. , the latest chapter visit:. (79 novel update is the fastest and most stable)

"Damn, actually let him escape, now I can only return to the country of the gods, the newspaper 'door'!" God genius face 'color' 'yin' sink, after a few words, turned and left, He is staying and has no meaning.

After all, his sect 'door' power is in the country of the demigod.

Moreover, in their sect, the door will not fall to Zhongzhou because of a legacy left by the Emperor.

"Mom, Qin Nan's life is really big, but my father has shot, he must not escape!" Huo Wulong sighed, then proudly said.

The three emperors did not stay and went straight.

"I have to say that this Qinnan is really the number one."

"At most, even the number one character, if not relying on treasures, how can he get the inheritance?"

"Now the major forces are exerting pressure at the same time. The Dragon Emperor's Court will certainly not offend all forces for a Qinnan, and will definitely let Qinnan's ‘transfer’ heritage!”

"The husband is not guilty and bears his sin."

Many geniuses have been talking for a while, and this is the time to go.

"Qin Nan, the mysterious and powerful sword, even my three ancient knives, have been suppressed to this point, what kind of knife does he have in his body? It seems that the wisdom of the three ancient knives should be restored as soon as possible..." The knife whispered a few words, and the eyes flashed through the cold, disappearing in place.

He is more interested in the knife in the hands of Qin Nan than the things left by the Emperor.

At the same time, the Dragon Emperor.

call out!

A red light, from the end of the day, quickly descended, and fell on the forefront of the dojo, only heard a loud bang, and immediately emerged a big pit.

"what happened?"

"It seems like someone has fallen!"

In the twinkling of an eye, there was a single elder in the Dragon Emperor's Court. The figure flew and looked at the big pit. At first glance, it suddenly caught.

I saw only Qin Nan, it was blood, and the breath was weak and very embarrassing.


Qin Nan had a low cough and wanted to move, but he was involved in the injury. He couldn’t help but breathe.

Just seven inches of purple dragon, burning itself, across the void, the power 'wave' moved too much, which led to his body, was hit hard.

"Qin Nan... What's wrong with you?" An elder came back and couldn't help but ask for reads;

Qin Nan just wanted to talk. The void behind him suddenly burst open. A pair of white and exquisite ‘Jade’ feet stepped out, followed by a pair of white arms, passing through Qin Nan’s men and helping him.

A scent, from the back to the tip of Qin Nan.

The elders who came around, looking at the ‘female’ in front of them, were all dumbfounded.

Isn't this the nine-tailed demon emperor?

Qin Nan also had some troubles. He did not expect that the nine-tailed demon would make such an intimate move.

"It's okay, everything goes on, all ‘go’ to me.” The nine-tailed demon squatted with a pair of bright eyes, whispered, very gentle.

"Yeah." Qin Nan nodded, stood up, jumped out of the big pit, sitting directly on the knees, training the injury.

The nine-tailed demon emperor looked at the elders, the gentleness in the dawn, slowly disappeared, replaced by a touch of murder.

"Notify all the chiefs of the Dragon Emperor, all elders, all disciples, and prepare for the battle!"

"In addition, speed up the opening of the demon town!"

Her voice, directly in the entire Dragon Emperor's Court, blew open, so that the peaks, elders, and disciples who were retreating were all awakened and looked blank.

"What happened?"

“Is there a strong enemy to attack the Dragon Emperor?”

"Take the Dragon Emperor's Court? What kind of jokes, who is so courageous!"

The entire Dragon Emperor’s Court suddenly boiled up.

Even though there are countless people who have doubts and confuses, they still start to operate according to the orders of the nine-tailed emperor.

In an instant, the peaks of the Dragon Peak, Jiuwei Peak, Qilin Peak, and so on, all shined with amazing arrays, and a powerful momentum broke out.

Not only that, in a mysterious depth of the Dragon Emperor's Court, dozens of elders shot at the same time, opened a horrible array.

I saw only a faint light curtain slowly propping up from the sky. It didn't take long for the entire Dragon Emperor's Court to be enveloped.

Above the light curtain, the shadows of the Taikoo big demon, rising from the ground, the demon horror, as if to suppress this day, all the suppression!

This is the big squad of the demon town, even if it is the strong Emperor of the Wu Emperor, it can not be broken within one day!

The nine-tailed emperor stood in front of Qinnan, and he slammed a white light into the body of Qinnan. Then he glanced around and said again: "All the peaks, elders, inner 'doors' disciples, Dojo collection!"


The figures of the roads came one after another, and soon they all saw the injured Qin Nan.

"Well? How is Qinnan? Is he injured?"

"Did he not go to the demigod? How come out?"

"What happened in the end?"

"I feel faint, these are a bit related to Qinnan."

Between the major peaks and the elders, the ‘private’ language is smuggled.

"Silence!" Nine-tailed demon emperor's face ‘color’ is cold, said: “Ready to welcome the guests.”

The entire dojo was quiet immediately, and everyone seemed to be aware of it and looked at the sky.

The crowd immediately saw that a vast expanse of momentum, with an astonishing speed, rushed from the side of the day, until the public saw the face, the moment of great shock.

The person who came is actually the Emperor of Qianguang and the Emperor Huo Ling!

Those behind the scenes are actually the great elders of the major 'doors', and they are also the giants of Zhongzhou!

How can such a huge team come to them like the Dragon Emperor?

"Ha ha ha." Huo Ling the Great stood still and gave a hearty laugh. He said: "Nine tails, long time no see, you are still beautiful as always! However, what do you mean by this Dragon Emperor? Everyone comes Now, why is it necessary to open a large array, is it necessary for the Dragon Emperor to reject us from the door?"

"The Dragon Emperor's move is really too chilly." Qian Guangdao is quite cold.

"The nine-tailed demon predecessor, but also hope to open the array."

"This time, I mainly want to talk to the Dragon Emperor, and I will pay more."

Other elders have opened their mouths.

Although everyone in the Dragon Emperor’s Court did not know what happened, but the face’s color was flush, it was obvious that these people were all bad.

"You friends, I want to come to a narrative, but there is no problem." Nine-tailed demon emperor said with no expression: "Only, the Taoist friends came in, remember to be quiet, because the dragon's court has a big array, the most hateful noise. Terran."

As she said that she had a good hand, the big battle slowly melted and there was a gap.

Huo Ling Emperor, Qianguang Knife and other people did not get angry. Stepping on, they fell on the dojo and stood in front of everyone.

"Oh, nine tails, not much nonsense, half-god inheritance, is the major forces going forward together, no need to say without the night inheritance, naturally the ability to get, but the things left by the Emperor, It is not in the no-night inheritance, it should be taken out and shared with the major forces."

The Thousand Lights Knife faintly said: "At that time, our major forces will find the treasures of the sky together, and then send out geniuses to fight for, who can get it, each with its own skills, how?"

His question, not only represents the Tiandao, but represents the remaining 34 big two stars, and asks together!

Ps: There are fewer updates in these two days, and more updates tomorrow.


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