Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1030: Help Jinguang


The first thirtieth chapter for help Jinguang

At this moment, Qin Nan’s figure was moving at a speed in a darkened land. [See the latest chapter of the book, please.] More recent chapter visits: ww.

In front of him, there is an endless land. Apart from the war of the sky, and the broken giant palace magic, you can't see any figure.

This is the field of the wild battlefield.

Qin Nan stared at the front, and he was flying faster and faster, as if to release all the power in the body.

Because he now has a feeling of physical and mental pleasure.

This long-term warfare is like his home, everything is so familiar, everything is so beautiful, like a fish.

"In this battlefield, the deeper the others are, the more they are suppressed, and the deeper I am, the more powerful I can break out!"

In the left corner of Qinnan, it began to shine brightly.

This boundless warfare gave him blessings.

"Well? Is that the Golden Mile?"

The speed of Qinnan suddenly slowed down.

I saw only a few dozen miles in front of him, and there was a little bit of colorful ‘color’ that stretched toward the horizon, not knowing the end.

"Curious special Golden Road."

Qin Nan flew in and looked at the rainbow-like avenue, and his eyes flashed a different color.

He just tried to use the left-hander to try the ‘hole’. This golden avenue is like a whole magic weapon. It is not only unaffected by the war of the sky, but even the external force cannot be destroyed.

After observing for a while, Qin Nan turned his body shape.

This is a battlefield, everything in it is very suitable for him. He has to hurry quickly and raise his strength to a certain level. Then he will go to the country of the demigod.

After flying dozens of fragrant incense time, Qin Nan was keenly aware that the gullies, cracks, traces, etc. on the ground began to increase gradually. Even after a long period of time, there was still a faint will.

"There is something finally."

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the light flashed, the fingers of the fingers pointed, and the knife sparkles.

The next three hours, Qin Nan is still moving forward, of course, he also killed a lot of monsters, but these monsters are all evil thoughts, killings, etc., not too strong, he killed A few times, there is no hands-on, leaving directly.

Moreover, he also encountered a lot, some weak treasures, or treasures that are brewing, and he did not move, after all, these things have no effect on him now.

"After arriving in the midfield, there was finally a slight oppression."

Qin Nan looked at the front, the dark land, the gully, the incomparable, and even some of the land also presented a dark red 'color', the will of the battle, still flourishing, and some evolved into a vision, very amazing reads ;

It can be seen from this that the tragic battle of that year was so fierce.


Just then, a long arrow of flames condensed, rushing to shoot, with amazing murder.

Qin Nan left his hand and crushed him directly. Then he turned his head and saw that the person who shot the shot was actually a virtual shadow outside the ten-mile opening. The virtual shadow was under the arrow, holding the ancient bow, his eyes were red and the murderousness was amazing. Obviously It was a strong man during his lifetime.

It seems that I have noticed the power of Qinnan, and this illusion does not say anything, and turns and runs.

"Want to run?" Qin Nan's body shape rushed, until after the top of the head, a punch without mercy, and it was crushed.

It is to defeat the opponent and give him a relief.

"Well? What is this?"

Qin Nan suddenly saw that among the gullies below, there was a hand of ‘Jade’ white ‘color’, and there were many small ‘flowers’ on the palm, which looked rather weird.

"Good ‘fine’ pure power, this palm is afraid of being influenced by the war and become a kind of treasure.”

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was a smear of 'color', and then he grabbed it toward the palm of his hand.

"Hey, hello, what? What's the little rabbit scorpion, here is our black dragon's site, let me stop at speed, or let you look good today!" At this moment, a loud drink, resounded.

I saw two big men with black dragons on their arms. They came over and looked fierce.

The two men are Wu Zu Qiu and Wu Zu Liu Zhong.

"You black dragon's site?" Qinnan mouth smacked the curvature.

He came to this place according to the map of Gong Yang, and in the battlefield, no one has ever forcibly occupied a place.

"Make him!"

When the two big men saw Qin Nan, they were not fooled. They looked at each other and used a smashing murder on their bodies. The corners of their mouths also smacked.

They originally wanted to get treasures without much effort, but Qin Nan did not let them, then don't blame them for being unkind.

After all, Qin Nan’s breath is only six martial arts.

However, at the moment when they just had to start.

"Just take you to try your hand!"

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold, and a dark light suddenly opened from him.

Collapse the field!

"what is this?"

The two big men's faces were changed, and they felt a sense of crisis. They did not hesitate to start to take out the symbols and prepare to escape. However, the scene of their panic happened.

Their bodies, as well as the plaques in their hands, burst into flames under the guise of black light.


The two big men squinted their eyes, never imagined that Qin Nan was so terrible, but they did not say a word, they were directly shocked into a group of powder reads;

The power of collapse is terrible.


Qin Nan took a forehead and was full of depression. When he was in the field of collapse, he not only collapsed the two men, but all of them within a circle of his feet were all collapsed.

"It seems that this collapsed field is useless and can only be used to collapse."

Qinnan secretly sighed, adjusted his mind and continued to move forward.

The map that Gong Yang sorted out was really extraordinary. After Qin Nan arrived at the place, he discovered a lot of treasures, all of which were scraped. Of course, it is also very dangerous here. The demon, Shura, etc. are all about Zuzu, and The memory of the battle before his death still exists, and the battle is very scary.

Qin Nan also encountered a few 'waves' monks, did not do anything to him, he did not shoot, he shot him, he has not let go.

In this ruinous battlefield, the weak ‘meat’ is a strong food. If it is not ruthless, it is very dangerous.

"This is no main martial tree, it is not easy to find, I have searched so many treasures, I have not seen one, and even there is no trace..." Qin Nan’s heart screamed, at this moment, he suddenly noticed Look up.

I saw dozens of golden lights in the sky, flying at an alarming rate.

"Someone ask for help?"

Qin Nan’s heart moved, and reached out with a golden light. A voice rang: “Dao You is currently attacked by a Shura who is comparable to the ancestral martial arts. It has been seriously injured by the attack, but the strength of the three ancestors of Naihuer If you don’t support it, you can also help your friends to help. If you have a problem, you can take away a quarter of the treasure."

After the sound fell, Jinguang flew toward the front, apparently guiding.


In the eyes of Qin Nan, the light flashed and quickly caught up.


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