Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1046: Eat dragon, drink


The first thousand forty-six chapters eat dragons, drink

Qin Nan heard the words flashed in the eyes of the ‘color’. ($>>> cotton, flower ‘sugar’ small ‘say’), the latest chapter visit:.

I thought that the princess told them to come over, it was actually this purpose.

However, Qin Nan’s heart gave birth to a lot of expectations. Although he was not interested in these delicacies and so on, he never tasted the ‘meat’ of the dragon, and he was still a half-level emperor’s hell.

"Yes Yes!"

The black dragon commander and others played a ‘smart’ spirit, and they nodded quickly.

Now they look at the eyes of Miao Miao Princess, who has already brought a deep awe, although they have long known that this wonderful princess is very extraordinary, but she did not expect that her fighting power is such a horror.

"What the **** is it doing? Give me a move!"

Black Dragon led the way back to the big road.

Many powerful people smashed and began to display some low-level techniques such as red fire, knives and so on, and quickly began to clean up the **** and the dragon.

Like them, there are not many ordinary hobbies. They are nothing but treasure hunt, ‘meat’, drinking, ‘female’ people, and naturally familiar with them.

"Qin Nan, discuss with you a thing, you go out first." Miao Miao Princess thought of something, pretty face red.


Qin Nanyi, nodded, did not ask much, went out, he just went out, a strong prohibition, it fell on the 'hole' mouth, the special 'door' used to block the martial arts and mind, People can't snoop.

"What is this for the princess?"

Qin Nan was full of fog, shook his head, and asked ‘sex’ to look at the Black Dragon leader and others.

Cooking this **** and the dragon is not just a simple fire, it requires a variety of means to ensure the delicious, but also does not let the spiritual power in the 'meat' dissipate.

Looking at the many novel techniques, Qin Nan also looked at the dark nod and thought it was quite interesting. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

"You...what do you know with this wonderful princess?" Heilong leader hesitated for a long time, and came forward to ask.

As a leader, he naturally realized that the wonderful Princess made him loyal to the decade, but at the princess's level, does he really need him?

According to the observations of the Black Dragon command, I am afraid that the princess’s original intention is to want them to be loyal to Qin Nan.

"I have known it very early." Qin Nan faint.

"You are so lucky." Black Dragon led his eyes to reveal his envy and envy.

Although Qin Nan is the genius of the 96th Emperor's List, he still has the things left by the Emperor of Heaven, but in the view of Heilongjiang, Qin Nan is still only a genius that has not yet risen.

The ‘female’ who can make Miao Miao Princess such a fascinating and fascinating country, treat it like this, and change it into another man.

Qin Nan smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly at this moment, a roaring sound rang from the dragon.

I saw the dragon soul of Hell and the Dragon, flying out of it, a pair of **** eyes, scanning the monk of Zhou Oolong, roaring and yelling: "You humble, ants, shameless people, actually dare to move me's meat. 'Body, I want you to be killed today!'

The group of black dragons, the face ‘color’ is white.

Even though this dragon soul is not so powerful, its half-level power is still there.

"Whose life do you want?" Qin Nan eyes cold.

"Nature is for you--" The Dragon Soul turned and snarled half. When he saw the face of Qinnan, his eyes suddenly shrank into needles, and ‘dew’ stunned the ‘color’.

It still will not forget until now, the horror scenes of the nine martial trees that have taken off and suppressed!

This man, beyond the rules of the martial arts of the sky!


Qinnan's right hand waved, and a slap in the air, directly smashed the dragon soul into a smash, and the whole valley was silent.

The Black Dragon Commander and the Black Dragon are all powerful, all looking at this scene.

Qin Nan killed the dragon soul, they are not surprised, because Qin Nan has a broken knife, can smash everything in the world.

However, each of them clearly saw the ‘color’ of fear in the eyes of the Dragon Soul.

How is the Dragon Soul afraid of Qinnan?

Could it be that……

Everyone was shocked and shook his head.

They absolutely do not believe that a six-member guy in Wuzu, who is a district, can kill a dragon in the **** of a half-level emperor!

Even if they don't believe it, they look different to Qin Nan's eyes. At least this man is not only as simple as having a broken knife!

Soon the valley returned to normal, and the black dragon's strongmen gave birth to some kind of blue 'color' flame, using the huge 'fine' gold iron frame, driving the dragon 'meat', starting the barbecue, occasionally sprinkling some use Ling's 'medicine' special seasoning, will also smash a lot of Ling 'medicine', put it into the tiger oil and then apply it on it.

But for a long time, the wonderful fragrance floated in the valley.

Qin Nan took a sip and looked at the golden dragon 'meat', which was also the big move of the index finger.

"Qin Nan."

At this time, a crisp cry, sounded in the moonlight ‘hole’ ‘hole’.

Qin Nan and Black Dragon and others are subconsciously looking at it. From this point of view, everyone is stunned.

I saw only the wonderful Princess, changed a white 'color' dress, the skirt with gold silk to outline the phoenix pattern, her long hair with a red dragon wood plaque, white collar, wear A piece of blue 'color' jade stone with a scent of scent, wearing a 'Jade' bracelet that Qin Tian gave to her.

Under the moonlight of the moonlight 'hole' behind her, she seemed to be covered with a faint radiance, and the perfect exquisite and delicate body exudes a kind of godly atmosphere above all beings, but there is another kind of fan. 'The beauty of the human heart is amazing.'

It is the fairy in the painting, and the sacred **** ‘female’.

"Good... beautiful!"

A black dragon's deputy commander couldn't help but mutter, since he became a deputy commander, he did not know how many 'female' repairs he had, and he had encountered many humans' colors, but he never It is the same now, so lost.

"Why are you doing it, come up quickly." Miao Miao Princess is pretty red, thinking of the next thing, the heart is like a deer ‘chaos’.

"Oh... good."

After Qin Zhen’s laps, he returned to the moon and flew into the moonlight ‘hole’.

Moonlight 'hole' is also different from before. On the wall, there are many ancient paintings. There are dragons, phoenixes and some ancient strange trees, mysterious and beautiful seven-colors. 'Flower' and so on.

In the light of the moonlight, the things in the painting seem to have come alive.

"Princess, this... what is this?"

Qin Nan heartbeat missed a shot.

"This..." Miao Miao's eyes turned, saying: "The pure yuan on the wine, this wine is extremely rare, very precious, so before you drink it, you must be very solemn, otherwise, it is disrespectful to it. ”

"Oh, it turned out to be the case." Qin Nan nodded, and the mood was calm.

"This is the Eight Immortal Fengshen table, which was built with the Eight Immortals. This is called the Five Emperor's Glass. There used to be a great emperor. I love drinking very much. I specially created this kind of wine glass. The special 'door' is used to drink the best wine. This is ......"

From the Nayong, the wonderful Princess took out the same kind of things and placed them neatly.

"Princess, the dragon 'meat' is cooked!"

The sound of the black dragon commander outside the 'hole' sounded up.

"Okay, come on."

The wonderful Princess is beautiful.

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