Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1055: Emperor fish


The first thousand fifty-five chapters of the emperor

"No, Nantian ‘door’ is definitely not eyeing me. [There are almost all books that I want to read. It’s much more stable than the average station. It’s faster to update. There is no advertisement for the whole text.] Update quickly.”

Qin Nan calmed down.

After all, based on his current strength, he does not use the Nantian ‘door’ to personally shoot. The strong and geniuses of Nantiandi are more than enough to deal with him.

If Nantian ‘door’ is really eyeing him, he will definitely act on him.

As for the curtain of the South Heaven, blocking his body shape, it must be a change that Qin Nan could not think of.

"God of War once told me that time is not enough. In this case, I am afraid that as time goes by, the crisis of my violent "exposure" will become larger and larger."

Qin Nan suddenly noticed a strong sense of crisis.

His current strength is still too weak.

He must speed up his pace.

"Now since the South Heavens do not let me go to the country of the demigod, then go to practice."

After Qin Nan wanted to understand the key, there was no delay, a little tiptoe, and returned to the valley, sitting directly on the knees and starting to practice.

Until one day later, the ‘mixed’ Yuan Jiu Shishi’s spirit gave him a thought.

Qinnan Station got up and went to the moonlight ‘hole’. Just came in and immediately was shocked by the sight.

I saw that the moonlight ‘hole’ is no longer a mountain ‘hole’. Instead, it is a space that radiates nine kinds of light and reaches a radius of three hundred miles.

The entire space is condensed by the power of the 'mixed' element.

"Qinnan, I am changing now, the time is at least half a year. In the past six months, you are here, how do you want to practice, how to practice. (Advertising) In addition, you don't have to worry about security." 'Mixed' chaotic nine-light stone The spirit said.

"Within half a year?"

Qin Nan heard his eyes lit up and nodded.

He has already seen it and cultivated in this small space, which is fifteen times the outside world.

What is the concept of fifteen times?

Plus the martial arts of his heavenly five products, practice one day, at least equivalent to one month of the average person.

"Come and go directly to this place for a long time to retreat. Even if I went to the forbidden land of the nine mountains and three seas in Zhongzhou, I am afraid that the adventures I won will not match the cultivation of such holy places."

After Qin Nan thought for a long time, he made up his mind.

Because the last time he got the collapsed emperor, and the tomb of the demigod, he was able to get the most cheap, more or less because of the luck opportunity, but luck and opportunity, not every time there will be, then he is not as good as it is. Retreat.

"The martial arts release!"

After releasing the soul of the **** of war, Qin Nan sat cross-legged and completely fell into practice.

Time passed, and it passed like this every day.

During the retreat in Qinnan, the illusory old man, Qin Hou, and Nan Gongwei led the 'door' sent strong and genius to come to this war wild forest, want to unite and seize Qinnan, but in the end, they are not only Those who did not find Qinnan were also crushed by **** and black dragons, and they could only escape.

As for Qin Nan, during the retreat, he completely confessed the three treasures that were caught from the coffin of the Wilderness, and what role it played.

The first one is the purple gold dragon gourd, also known as the wine fairy pot, put into the water, you can become the best spirit wine, although far less than the pure yuan on the wine, but it is extremely good.

The second piece of the ancient feather ‘Mao’ is the feather of the Taikoo beast. It has a very powerful force of the void. What can be done specifically? Qin Nan is unclear.

As for the third piece, the Dan 'medicine', also known as Jiu Jin Jin Xian Dan, has great help for spiritual practice and martial arts talents, etc. Qin Nan naturally did not hesitate to take it directly.

In the 20th day of the retreat in Qinnan, the ranking of the emperor's list was adjusted again, and the ranking of Qinnan rose to the 67th level.

However, this time, he did not make a big response, and many Zhongzhou monks gathered their eyes on the geniuses who stirred the situation.


Qinnan mouth smacked the degree of smearing, and after passing a **** thought to the Dragon Emperor, he continued to practice boring.

Finally, when the retreat of the forty-eighth day, Qin Nan’s cultivation was a comprehensive breakthrough.

His visionary martial tree grew to a height of eight feet and reached the level of the eight martial arts. The other eight martial trees reached a height of six feet.

Without releasing eight martial trees, his current strength is already considered to be the upper level of Chengdu, and if it is released, it will be ranked in the top 20, and there is absolutely no problem.

"The distance from the rankings is only two months. My current strength is still a little worse. I still have to work hard!"

Qinnan secretly said, did not leave this place, but chose to retreat.

This retreat is nowhere in sight.

In the past, Qin Nan was taking risks in various major ruins and major forbidden places. He has never been able to withstand the boring retreat. This has also led to Qin Nan, and many of his hearts are so fascinating and fascinating. The martial arts ideas, all began to emerge one by one.

After the 63rd day of retreat, the rankings of the Emperor List were adjusted again.

Qin Nan was too lazy to pay attention, but when he saw that his ranking, soaring to the 52nd, directly caught.

You must know that in the past two months, he has basically not confessed his genius with his genius.

How could it be that there was no reason for it, and the ranking of the emperor made his ranking rise by fifteen?

“Don't a ‘sex’ have killed more than a dozen geniuses in front of me?”

An idea emerged in Qin Nan’s mind, and he quickly took out the token of the shadow building.

After a long period of retreat, he should also take a day off to find out what happened in Zhongzhou.

However, at this time, Qin Nan’s chief commander, shines.

Qin Nan brow wrinkled and explored it, and immediately saw a sentence from the nine-tailed emperor.

"Qinnan, the battle of the gods of the gods began, and the emperor's fish will come to Zhongzhou, and you will return to the Dragon Emperor and prepare for the fish!"

As everyone knows, Zhongzhou has two major lists, the Emperor and the God List.

In the list of gods, not only the battle for the emperor, but also the battle for the gods.

Therefore, the genius of the country of the demigod does not need to participate in the emperor.

The beginning of the battle for the gods of the gods list, Qinnan is not strange at all, but what is this emperor?

"But, this retreat is enough, I would rather go back to the Dragon Emperor's Court, just on the road, take a good look at the situation in Zhongzhou!"

Qinnan stood up and the bones made a loud noise.

He has been working for too long and has not gone out to do a good job.

"I owe you a human condition." ‘Mixed’ Yuan Jiuguangling seems to have noticed something, and he snorted.

"Haha, goodbye."

Qin Nan laughed loudly, waved his hand, and his body flashed and flew toward the city of Yangshuo.

On the way, Yu Ying Lou sent him back the news, and he immediately entered into it.

However, from this point of view, his pupil suddenly became needle-shaped.


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