Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1066: Heavenly knife

He is a man with a knife, and he can naturally detect it. This figure is a horror on the knives.

Even the former Emperor Qianguang, the extraordinary swordsman, and even the guardian sword, I am afraid it is far worse.

"Predecessors, do you know the three robbing?" Qin Nan took a deep breath and asked for temptation.

"Oh, don't say this." Unexpectedly, the phantom figure, the big hand wave, the domineering, said: "I was 8,000 years ago, the sorcerer is also! After I fell, no more nostalgia, but I am not willing to make a knife The technique disappears into the dust, so the will of itself will be sealed in the iron piece, and only a powerful knife can be triggered!"

This is also why Qin Nan began to use the heart and other means, can not shake the iron piece.

The Heavenly Knife Emperor seems to look to Qinnan, his eyes are sharp, and said: "Kid, you have the kind of sword, you can see that your knife is not bad, you are qualified to participate in the training, to comprehend my knives! I And ask you, are you willing?"

An invisible pressure, accumulating, is like a giant Taiko, is asking questions.

Qin Nan thoroughly understood.

No wonder he felt that this piece of iron was useful to him, but he did not expect it to be the inheritance of the knife.

However, his face did not have the slightest excitement and joy. Instead, under this pressure, he was very calm and said: "The predecessors are really need a knife, but I want to know, your knife, there are How strong?"

Today's Qinnan, with its body and martial arts, has nine martial arts, the soul of the **** of war to suppress everything, but also has the left arm of the God of War and the field of collapse.

The collapse field can be used for attacks, but it is still a bit worse.

What Qin Nan needs most is to cultivate a 'door' knife, and to exert the power of the broken knife.

After all, he is a knife repairer.

However, Qin Nan came to Zhongzhou and learned a lot of swords created by the great emperor. He even studied in Tiandao for three days and three nights. Why did he not go to practice?

This is because if he cultivates a knife, the ‘door’ knife must be very powerful!

A 'door' is a very powerful knife, naturally the best of its own, but even with Qin Nan's martial arts talent, he wants to create a general knife, it is no problem, want to create it The earth-shattering knife is too difficult.

It is for this reason that he has not tried it all the time.

Now the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom will pass on his knife, and he naturally needs to know how the knife of the Emperor of Heaven is in the end.

"Ha ha ha!" The sorcerer of the sorcerer laughed and said: "The kid, my knife, can't let you down! Eight thousand years ago, there was a 'gate' to sculpt the world, no one can rival Even Wushen is not an opponent, but my slashing knife can directly shake this 'door' to the world!"

When I said this, an extremely strong self-confidence spread out.

This self-confidence comes from the pride in the bones, the pride of this ‘door’ knife!

Qin Nan is very clear about this kind of pride. It is like his battlefield, he is arrogant, and he is invincible.

"He said yes, 8,000 years ago, even though he is not the strongest person, but his knife is indeed the strongest knife, you can learn." Just then, the mystery in the bronze mirror The 'female', the sound of cold, sounded in the mind of Qinnan.

“Predecessors, I am willing to learn, please tell me how to get this ‘door’ knife?”

Qin Nan said with a fist.

As early as the pride of the sorcerer's sorcerer came out, his heart had already made up his mind.

"Getting my 'door' knife technique is very simple. I will suppress your cultivation and suppress it in Wusheng Wuzhong. You will leave for the Imperial City of Nanzhou and stay in the Imperial City. You will feel it yourself! As for when If you can fully understand, then you can't say it. It may be three months, maybe one year, or ten years!"

Said the Emperor of Heaven.


A glimpse of Qinnan.

He never imagined that the assessment of the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom was actually a repression and went to the Southern City to understand.

Originally, he thought that he used some method to verify his qualifications, or his cultivation and so on.

"How? Fear? Do you think that getting my knives is as simple as that? You don't want to, I don't force it." The sorcerer sneered, not concealing the contempt in his words.

"Predecessors, don't misunderstand, I just heard this strange way for the first time." Qin Nan smiled lightly.


He really didn't know what it was like to be afraid.

As the saying goes, the machine can't be lost.

He is now missing a singularity of the 'door', and now the opportunity is in front of him. Even if he is in front of the sea, he will not hesitate to move forward.

"It turns out to be like this." The Heavenly Knife nodded and said faintly: "You can rest assured that if you are in the Imperial City, you will realize the greatness of the knife. There will definitely be great benefits! OK, time is running out. You remember that if you give up your feelings, put this piece of iron back into the land of squatting."△≧△≧

Even though Qinnan has a knives with the gods, it is still the three murders of the three, but the Heavenly Emperor still does not absolutely believe that Qinnan will be able to obtain the knives.

Because this kind of red dust is experienced, it is not just talent.

What he has to do is to ensure that even if Qin Nan fails, he can find the next person, to inherit his knives, and to carry forward the knives.

"The younger generations are obedient."

Qinnan Gongdao.


The Heavenly Knife nodded and turned and looked at the bronze mirror. His eyes flashed through the complicated ‘color’, and then he smiled and his body slowly dissipated.



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