Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1070: Direct hands

Do you think that there is Bai Qinglian to help you, I can't take you Chen Rong?

In this imperial city, whoever he wants to be, can be who he is!

Qin Nan, who is preparing to start, heard this sentence, his eyes are slightly bright. In his plan, he is preparing to go to Chenfu to take a look and verify his thoughts.

Thinking of this, Qin Nan directly said: "Miss Bai, thank you for helping, the rest of the things, you do not have to manage." Here, he looked at Chen Rong, said: "I am going to Chen Fu with you."


Bai Qinglian was in a hurry.

This guy is not stupid, really went to Chen Fu with Chen Rong, then Chen Rongzhen did not want to fix him, how to fix him?

It was also a sigh in the hearts of everyone.

Although this young man is not simple, but still no match for Chen.

"Because you know each other, you still do what you are doing, don't tie me up!" Chen Rongang started, like a winner, directly ordered.

Thirteen flames 'fine' soldiers, suddenly like a wolf like a tiger, flew toward Qinnan.

"Bundle me? Try to tie it up."

Qin Nan no expression, a horrible breath, on his body, exudes.

The thirteen flames were 'fine' soldiers, and suddenly they turned into a 'color' change. If they were against the enemy, they would never dare to take a step forward.

Chen Rong and Bai Qinglian, etc., are also in the cold of their hearts, and they are shocked by the slogan.

How did this Qin Nan body emit such a horrible breath?

"You lead the way, I follow."

Qin Nan walked down the second floor and faintly opened.


Chen Rong's ‘color’ changed, just wanted to attack, but thought of the scene just now, biting his teeth: “Go, let's go back!”

He also patiently first, anyway, waiting for Chen Fu, he wants to clean up Qin Nan, how to clean up Qin Nan.

Even if there is a little means in Qinnan, it will not be able to get up in Chen.

The thirteen flames of the 'fine' soldiers sighed with relief. They were still afraid that Chen Rong ordered them to take hands directly here and think of the horrible atmosphere just now. They didn’t have much confidence in their hearts.

Then Chen Rong took out the thirteen flame ‘fine’ soldiers and walked out of the incense building. Qin Nan arched his hand against Bai Qinglian and followed him. His face was “color”.

The whole quiet incense building was suddenly full of excitement.

"This young man is so discouraged!"

"There is indeed momentum, and Chen Rong is frightened by a word!"

"Cut, what can be done with momentum? Wait until Chen Fu, and you will be disabled if you don't die."

When this sentence comes out, the people around us are silent.

The ending of Qinnan is just imagined and can be imagined.

"This guy, very weird, I am afraid it is not that simple. It seems that I have to go to Chenfu to take a trip..." Bai Qinglian thought for a while, and he made up his mind.

Many years later, when she recalled today’s decision, she was fortunate in her heart.

After the three pillars, the Imperial City, Chen Fu.

I only saw this Chen House, which is three hundred miles away from the local area. One ancient palace after another, clustered together, is magnificent. Above it, it is full of various big battles and bans. Even if it is a strong man who is half-step martial arts, it takes a little time to break into it.

"Sure enough, the knife in the Chen House is a bit different."

Qin Nan glanced at him, and his eyes flashed the ‘precision’ light.

"Hurry, what are you looking at?"

Chen Rong, who walked in front of him, urged him that he couldn’t wait to enter Chen’s house and take a good look at Qinnan.

Qin Nan shrugged and took out the token that Chen Hao gave him. He passed it directly to a god, and then walked into Chen Fu.

Unexpectedly, just stepping into Chen Fu, Chen Rong in front of him suddenly laughed.

"Hands! Bring him to me!"

Now that you have arrived in Chen, you don’t have to be in the hands.

Thirteen flames 'fine' soldiers, at this time also in the heart of the big, a loud bang, the power of the saints broke out, Qi Qi shot to Qin Nan.

The Qin dynasty's ‘color’ is unchanged, and the toes are a little bit, and it is easy to make a ruin of the road, and all the attacks of the thirteen flame ‘fine’ soldiers are avoided.

"Hmm?" Chen Rongyi.


Qin Nan's figure once again flashed, thirteen fists, directly shot.

Thirteen flame 'fine' soldiers, only feel a 'flower' in front of the eyes, but also in the future, the fist shadow fell on their 'chest' mouth, accompanied by the sound of the slap, their body shape, All fly.

Although Qin Nan is the fifth of Wu Sheng, but there are many means on the body to deal with these people, there is no problem at all.


In Chen Rong’s eyes, ‘show’ has stunned the ‘color’.

He never imagined that Qin Nan was a Wu Shengwu, and he had such awkward combat power.

"What about that? Here is Chen Fu, give me a person, take this thief!"

After hurriedly, Chen Rong reacted and spoke.



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