Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1079: Killing Bai Qi

In an instant, the five magical repairs are like turning into a huge magic mountain, and it is impossible to shake it by letting the world's ‘color’ change.


Qin Nan did not hesitate, and incorporated the latest scent of the latest sentiment into the right arm, and then pulled out five more knives.

This new five-way knife is more horrible than before.

"Oh, useless, this is a life-and-death ‘transfer’ for the devil's battle. The repairs and lives of the five of them will be united for a short time, turning into an invisible barrier of the demon god, even if Wu Sheng Jiuzhong can't break it!”

Bai Qi cold shouted.

Qin Nan is indeed much stronger than he imagined, but it is not enough.

However, his voice just fell.

The shocking scene appeared. The previous five knives and the five knives in the back were like no one. Nothing was blocked. It broke out with powerful power and hit five people. Black robe monk's body.

Broken knives, squatting on the sky, squatting, everything is smashed!


Five screams of screams suddenly sounded.

Five black robes were repaired, and all of them were cracked with a huge wound. The whole body was like an arrow from the string. It flew out and crashed into the building not far away, completely losing its combat power.

The scattered repairs on the street, as well as the monks who were attracted by the battle, saw this scene, and couldn’t help but smack the smudges of the smudges.


"Who is this person, it is terrible, Wu Shengwu has such a terrible battle!"

"This is not inferior to the original color of Chen Zilai's predecessors."

“Don't we have a peerless genius in Nanzhou?”

The sound of the cold air in one lane sounded together.

Because the two knives just now really gave their hearts a direct impact.

Bai Qinglian sat in her demon right, looking at this scene, it was a dull face.


How is it with her imagination, and it is a bit wrong.

She knows that Qinnan is mysterious and powerful, but how can she defeat the five Wusheng Eight in one ‘sex’?

Bai Qi's face was 'white' white, his mouth 'lip' shivered slightly, and there was still a trace of fear in his **** eyes.

He never imagined that the situation of winning must be like this.

"Qin Nan, you are waiting for me!"

Bai Qi came back to God, yelled, and did not hesitate to display a ‘door’ martial arts. The whole figure rushed toward the front.

Staying in the green hills is no shortage of firewood. Now the most important thing is to keep the ‘sex’ life.

Just escaping less than two feet, Bai Qi only felt that the scalp was blown up, and when he looked up, he saw a big hand, fell from it, and pinched it on his head.


A huge force, bursting out, and the white singer, there was a loud explosion.

"you you……"

Bai Qi mouth ‘lip’ 哆嗦, even if he can’t say anything.

His cultivation is the same as that of Qin Nan. It is Wu Sheng Wu Zhong, but he now feels that Qin Nan’s big hand is like a demon hand, so that he can’t move.

"What do I want? You and I have no enmity, let people chase me, when I am bullied, right? And, there are countless people on the road, what is bad to learn, but to practice evil spirits, I can't spare you today!" Qinnan eyes are cold.

He is really disgusted with this extreme.

"Qin Nan, don't!" Bai Qinglian realized what, the face 'color' suddenly changed.

"Qin... Qinnan... You don't... don't kill me, if you kill me, the white family won't let you go, the royal family won't let you go! You let me go, I will give you a cow. Be a horse, I will help you deal with the Queen..." Bai Qi grabbed a straw and hurriedly prayed.

It is only now that he is at this moment that he understands the fear of death. How terrible it is.

"Less nonsense."

Qin Nan five fingers pinch, the power burst.

The white snoring snorted, and the figure immediately softened, and fell to the ground, and the breath was completely cut off.

At this moment, the entire street was over, like a silent bomb.

"Dead... dead?"

Bai Qinglian and the countless monks are all eyes wide and full of shocking ‘color’.

This is the white master, Bai Qi!

And now it is still in broad daylight, still on the streets of the Imperial City!

Now it is like this, was it publicly killed?



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