Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1257: Megatron

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-seven chapters

"Next, it's you!"

Qin Nan looked up and looked at the heavenly Emperor and the Ming Dynasty Emperor in the sky. The two martial arts broke out with two amazing wills. The figure was like the Taikoo Golden-winged Dapeng, soaring and surging. And go!

"Cough... Qinnan, you actually... you actually hurt me, I can't spare you!"

The imaginary emperor in the big pit on the ground spit out a few golden blood, stood up, eyes filled with infinite murder, once again urging the French seal, broke out a vain force!

Although he was seriously injured, he still has the strength!


The sound of the earth-shattering explosions sounded again and again, as if it was ringing through the space!

This time Qin Nan, not only playing around the imaginary emperor, but he alone, against the three great emperors!

Only this time, Qin Nan was completely suppressed!

After all, the three great emperors joined forces, the power is terrible, and the great emperor, the bright air emperor, or the disciple of a generation of magical swordsman, the fighting power far exceeds the ordinary giant, a giant, even the two martial arts in southern Qin And other means, no matter how powerful, but also to be suppressed!

However, what about suppressing?

Even though Qin Nan’s injury is getting more and more serious, more and more blood is flowing out, but his momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and his war is getting more and more ambiguous. He almost condenses into a sea of ​​war!

Even the three great emperors, in the face of such a Qinnan, the body of the injury, only a lot!

The whole battle, continue!

At this moment, I saw only the emptiness of the four weeks, and it was constantly broken. The dojo continued to tremble, and the distance was suspended in the sky. The hundreds of halls where the elders and disciples lived were also shocked and emerged. Cracks, crumbling, even the anti-天殿, the Shadow Hall, the Lingbao Hall, the Xingluo Temple, the four halls of the spirit, were alarmed, releasing the aura, resisting the impact!

Such a scene is really grand, and the whole battle is like a raging wave, like a storm, like the countless army, hitting together, more like a few gods, destroying the earth!


Suddenly, at this moment, a majestic drink of direct blasting, from the smashing of the day, a horrible sword light, quickly flew, the whole piece of heaven and earth, all reflected into a white color!

This sword is enough to destroy everything present!

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Well?"

The faces of Qin Nan and the imaginary Emperor are all changed, and the toes are a little bit, and they are retreating at the same time!

This terrible sword is also dissipated!

"The whole challenge, so far, after this matter, you must not retaliate against each other!"

The voice of the Sun and Moon Sword God said faintly!

"Are you here?"

The southern brow of Qinnan was slightly wrinkled and immediately released. The swords of the sun and the moon certainly wouldn’t look at them in the anti-Tianmeng, and it’s a matter of fact!

Qin Nan turned to look at not far away, covered in blood, looks miserable, incomparably the three great emperors, the corners of the mouth suddenly smeared the degree of curvature!

Although it is not regrettable to continue the battle, the tone in his heart has already been vented out, and it is extremely fun!

"Qin Nan! This is a good luck for you, if you continue to fight it... Hey!"

False Emperor, Rongtian Emperor, Mingkong Emperor, eyes staring at Qinnan, they originally wanted to say "Continue to fight, you will die", when you see Qinnan's eyes, the outbreak of war, The face suddenly changed, the chill in my heart floated, I dare not say it again, I had to scream!

"let's go!"

The imaginary Emperor looked at each other and his face changed constantly. He bit his teeth and shook his fist. Finally, he couldn’t help but loosen it. He could only fly and flew in the distance!

No matter what, in this war, they lost, and they still lost a mess!

To stay on, it is to find humiliation!

"Qin Nan, you are extremely powerful, and in accordance with the regulations of the anti-Tian League, I am now instructing you to be the third deputy master of the Anti-Tian Temple."

Sun and Moon Sword God said.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Qin Nan clows his fists.

"Well, you come with me."

As the words fell, a sword, falling from the sky, wrapped Qinnan, disappeared in place.

Ghost Wu also had all the elders, deacons, and disciples. When I saw this scene, I had a feeling of unreality. I didn’t expect a violent and terrible battle. Suddenly, it was all over.

It was not until half a whistle that they came back.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. I didn't expect us to be against the alliance. There are more such people."

Rao is the ghost of the great emperor, and now he is also a singer, can not help but sigh.

What amazed him was not the sinister place in Qinnan.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The power of thinking, but the will, the momentum, and the use of various emperors in Qin Nan’s battle are completely extreme.

"The martial arts talent of this son is inevitably extraordinary. If there is an opportunity, he must discuss it with him."

Ghost Wu’s heart was in the dark, and his body shape flashed and disappeared into place.


"Just regret the three great emperors!"

“Who can do it on the mainland?”

"Hey, this Qinnan, a terrible strength!"

"I didn't expect that Wu Zujing could actually explode such terrible power!"

"Fair! Qin Nan really got back for justice! Not only that, but he also became the deputy!"

The elders, deacons, and disciples of the whole audience couldn’t help but burst into a huge voice, excited, amazed, and shocked!

Only Liu Xue and Yu Wu, such as falling ice, are full of fear!

They...but the enemy of Qinnan!

Of course, there is one more thing worth mentioning. After this war, the reputation of Qinnan is like a storm. It is introduced into other elders, disciples, giants, and even the ears of Valkyrie!

After this battle, everyone’s views on Qinnan have become different, but Qinnan is regarded as a giant!

After a long time, the Seven Miles flying in the space of the fairy sword, a huge snowy mountain.

The sun and the moon swordsman sat cross-legged, spotless, looking at Qinnan not far away, the eyes flashed in the eyes.

This time the war, he did not expect, Qin Nan actually broke out of such a powerful force.

I have to say that Qin Nan gave him a surprise.

"You kid, temper is very big, don't you know how to endure? Wait until time, you are martial arts, to deal with them, is it easy?"

Sun and Moon Sword God asked.

"Predecessors, people sighed, even the Buddha has to fight for a fragrant incense, let alone me? I can't stand it."

Qin Nan shook his head. As a result, this action touched his wounded body. He hurt his mouth and took a breath.

At the time of the war, he had already forgotten me. Now that the war has retreated, he discovered that he was seriously injured.

The sword of the sun and the moon heard this sentence, and the corner of his mouth opened with a silent smile.

He found that the character of Qin Nan was exactly the same as that of him.

"There is a snowy pond there. You go inside to heal the wounds. When you are hurt, we will set off."

(End of this chapter)


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