Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1292: Sweep all

The first thousand two hundred and ninety two chapters swept all

Just a few short time, the battle has been reversed, Feihong, Shiang five people, have been destroyed by this meaning, hit back and forth again and again, the following few big demon in the big position in the big battle , they are killed one by one, making the group demon, also become extremely chaotic!

"This person's martial will will be too strong and tyrannical. It is far from the ordinary six. I can compare it with you, and you will quickly support the strength of the body!"

Feihong and Shi An looked at each other and shouted at the same time.

Now we can only fight quickly and continue to drag on, they will lose.

"it is good!"

The other three did not hesitate to form an ancient French seal. The power of a vast flame and the power of two vast and powerful Thunders rushed out and poured into Feihong. Aung body.


In an instant, the breath of Feihong and Shi’ang was a layer of skyrocketing. The surrounding of the body was entwined with the power of a powerful flame and the power of the Thunder, far exceeding the ordinary five giants. The momentum is like the gods.

This is the secret of their flame and Lei nationality, and they can bless their own cultivation and bless the people. Of course, such a secret law also has limitations of bloodlines, cultivation, and so on.

"Is it my secret?"

When Qin Nan saw this scene, he was ready to shoot. The group of horrible big devils below, as if they had discovered something, actually roared one by one, and successively moved toward Qinnan, a crazy shock.


Qinnan eyebrows rose, his body flashed, shuttled back and forth, the broken knife in his hand, released the peerless knife, the horror big demon, all smashed into smash, even if they want to blew, they are completely out of time .

As long as this group of horrible big demon can not form a group of demon killings, for Qinnan, there is not much fighting power.

"Good opportunity, the first ancestor of the flame road, nine yang anger!"

Feihong immediately shot, countless blue-gold flames, gathered in the void, and in a short while, it became a figure of hundreds of feet, magnificent, and the flames emitted by this figure, It’s terrible, it’s so empty, it’s melting!


This flame figure suddenly uttered a deafening roar, like awakening, suddenly bowed, double eyes locked Qinnan, striding a span, suddenly with the thunder of the situation, to the Qinnan!

Look at it from afar, just like the same

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) huge volcano, pressed to Qinnan!

"The dragon of collapse!"

Qin Nan is not afraid, God is moving, the countless collapses, gathered together, actually evolved the two shadows of the Taikoo Zijin Dragon, opened the blood basin, roared, and the flame figure Hard to bite and live!

Nowadays, the two most powerful martial arts wills in Qinnan are no longer as simple as before, but they can be changed as they please, and they will have different forces!

"Haha, you are fooled!"

Feihong laughed and didn't care.

"The Thunder begins, Chaos Thunder!"

A shouting sound suddenly sounded in the sky, and Shion, who had not yet started to work, grasped the big hand. From the void, he actually took out a long, ten-footed, old-fashioned thunder sword. !

"The thunderfire meets, Vulcan blows!"

Feihong and Shi An, France and India once again.

The dragon that was smashed by the two heads, the flame figure that bite and bite, once again roared, and the body shape jumped, and it was forced to break free from the bite, flew into the air, and the big hand extended, grabbed the chaotic thunder sword, facing Qin Nan, take a look!

At this moment, the entire lake, as if it has become a world of thunder!

At the apex of the world, there is a sword full of heaven, fire and thunder, power and horror, like a **** strike, falling down!

The Thunder was ventilated, and now the two forces meet and merge. Naturally, it erupts to another level of strength, not only burning everything, but also destroying everything!

"The sword of thunderfire? It's really good, but it's just that, the way to collapse!"

The blue light in the left corner of Qinnan suddenly violently shines!

The infinite collapse of meaning, once again dispersed, actually condensed into a dark road, into the world of thunder!

Qinnan along this avenue, hair dance, step by step, one after another, straight face Jianqi!

"He is this..."

Feihong and Shi Ang are a bit sluggish. The two of them jointly made this move. They have fought against numerous tyrannical and prestigious giants, and they also met with many talented martial artists, but they have never seen them before. Some people like this, want to break the law!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

Qinnan step by step, just four steps, arrived at the end of the road!

That terrible thunder fire sword is also coming down, from Qinnan, but ten feet,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Only need half-time, you can completely engulf Qinnan, completely!

"God of War... Wrath!"

Qin Nan suddenly screamed, the infinite God of War, sweeping open, an illusory, stalwart, domineering figure, rising from the ground, exuding a whole world, fear of the pressure !

This figure is like a raging anger, and the moment that appears, it is facing the top, punching out!


The entire thunderstorm world, directly broken!

Under this terrible punch, the overwhelming thunder and fire, and the powerful flame figure, almost no hand to fight, instantly smashed into nothingness!

A district of Jianqi, a ancestral ancestor of the flame family, can be compared with the **** of war?

"No, this person actually has a second, more horrific martial will, and we are leaving here now!"

Rao is Feihong and Shi Ang, his face is also changing, and his scalp is numb!

Although I was very unwilling in my heart, I have to admit that this person is really terrible. It is not what they are now, they can deal with it!

"Want to escape?"

In the hands of Qin Nan, the knives of the sky are rising upwards. In the void, a glimpse of the eternal temperament of the heavens and the earth makes the atmosphere of this heaven and earth become extremely ancient, as if it is back to ancient times!

After the emperor's emperor, Qin Nan's knives and knives gradually showed the true edge!

"Duan Qing, what do you want to do? We are the two ancient people. If you kill us now, you are provoking two ancient people! Even in the mysterious space, you will be met by our two ancient Revenge of the family!"

Feihong and Shi An are both shouting.

If the body of the martial art is destroyed, they will have to recover at a small cost.

"Less give me nonsense."

Before they finished, Qin Nan’s broken knife went down.

In an instant, in the body of Feihong and Shiang, there were terrible knives. I don’t know where to come from, they spread quickly from their soles and wrapped them all over the body.


Feihong and Shiang five people are all eyes wide open. I didn’t expect this person to be in front of me. The courage is so big. After they threatened, they dared to do it.

However, before they had finished speaking, the swords that wrapped them all smothered each other and smashed their bodies into pieces.

(End of this chapter)



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